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Posts posted by carl123

  1. HI Carl, nice work , so how did you create these images were they painted from scratch ?   Would you share your brush settings? Thanks  G cj


    I have ZERO painting (or drawing) skills.  This is more about photo manipulation (to look like it's been painted) rather than painting from scratch.


    Grab any photo then use the Paint Mixer brush (set to no fill colour) to paint over the picture whilst using a textured brush to give some texture to the paint stokes. 


    The brush used in the example attached was one of the DAUB Bristles brushes called Dense Fibres | Matte Gouache.


    I have highlighted the settings I used (in the attached picture) but other settings and brushes will give different effects.


    After painting the picture the final thing to do is to add a lighting effect with texture to add some more depth to the painting.  I have superimposed my lighting settings on the attached picture.


    Once again it was Erwe that showed me the steps needed to do all this and he has also taken the time to provided a video (https://vimeo.com/200846556) to show how he did it. I simply followed his instructions.


  2.  ... there are some serious dreamers around that even ask for video editing and animation support (I'm aware there are people in need for this). But a bit of common sense would help loosing that thought asap. Anyone up for 3D modelling and spreadsheet support? ;-)


    If Serif could add a Drone Persona so I can operate the drone I got for Christmas from inside AP that would be awesome.


    Won't need much in the Drone Persona just some navigation controls (preferably via my tablet) and a live feed from my drone's camera so I can take snapshots and edit them in Pixel Persona


    I can see this being even more popular once AP is available on a iPad.



  3. Affinity Photo (AP) is new so there are not that many in-depth video tutorials showing what you have requested.  But you can find other videos for other software (such as Photoshop) which you can learn from.  The trick is to find the same function, used in those videos, when using AP


    "Another idea is whether there could be a way for members to upload images (could be a security problem) and ask for comments from other guys about how to deal with them."


    If you are happy to upload your pictures to the forum then I am sure there will be others on the forum happy to help you with what you want to correct/improve on them. 

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