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  1. That's assuming what you're looking for is either in your package manager, or there's a handy .flatpakref/.rpm to download. God forbid someone's mean enough to send you a program in a tar.gz file. Basically speaking, I just tell people that flatpaks are in /.var/app, and everything else is in /.local/share in your home folder. If you have raw app files without an installer, just pop them in one of those folders, and if want it to integrate with your desktop so that you can discover it through a search, or pin it's icon to the taskbar, you have to write a .desktop file, and drop it in /.local/share/application. Having to do this is getting more and more rare by the day, but there are still occasions where you have to do it. ...wish someone told me this years ago.
  2. Though it had improved by a considerable amount, Linux was a lot more fiddly back in the mid '10's compared to now. These days, I'd say that it's no more difficult to use than Windows, once you get used to the differences in how you install and manage apps.
  3. Maybe about 2010. I'd say it's only been in the last 6 years or so that Linux became actually easy to use.
  4. It has adjustment layers. That alone puts it well above GIMP.
  5. Man. I was downloading Photo for a quick experiment, and I saw that I bought it in 2016. That was 6 years ago! It made me feel old.
  6. That's how it started out way back in the day, but now it's primarily about playing World of Warcraft on Linux. The proof's kind of in the pudding here, in that most games run nigh natively through WINE or Proton (which is basically WINE with Valve money behind it) these days, but running a desktop app is still a turkey shoot.
  7. If I had to take an uneducated stab at a guess, I'd say poor Direct2D implementation in WINE is the major culprit behind the flickering canvas. As far as I know, Direct2D doesn't see much use in games, being used primarily in desktop applications, which means that it's most likely to be ignored by the WINE devs.
  8. There were some incidents. Feelings were hurt. People cried. It was terrible. Though on a high note, a new Gnome extension came out that rounds window corners, so Photo now looks more like a native app. Though it still crashes all the time, and the canvas still flickers a bunch, so it's most one giant tease at the moment. But still... Rounded window corners!
  9. I made a 3000x3000 image, and upsized an oil brush to around 2000px. It looks like it's painting at about the same speed as it would in Windows, but the canvas goes so screwy that it's nigh unusable.
  10. Well, yeah. No one uses the Nouveau drivers unless they're either hardcore FOSS fans, or are really desperate.
  11. Just to test things out, I installed Photo using 1stnoob's custom recipe above, but using Bottle's brand new Soda 7.0-2 runner. It works better than it has previously. I can now reliably open the preferences panel without crashing, and can even drag and drop images into the editor from Files like a native application. That said, the canvas is still a little flaky, and enabling the rulers on the UI, or hitting up a more process intensive live filters like lighting can cause it to crash. Right now, I'd consider it, maybe, 60% usable. So close, but not quite there yet.
  12. It did the same thing to me. I could see my GPU listed in the tab, and it reported that what it saw as Windows 10 was up to snuff for the task, but it still wouldn't allow me to turn on hardware rendering. Right now, WARP is the only option.
  13. Nvidia GPUs don't really have any problem in Linux, besides flaky Wayland compatibility, and having to go a little above and beyond to install the drivers for them. I don't think I've used the Hide Nvidia GPU proton flag once in my entire life.
  14. The only way I've managed to get past that is to create a bottle tailored to applications. It installs Mono automatically, which seems to fix the .Net 3.5 issue. Of course, that limits you to only using Caffe 7.5. When I try creating a custom bottle with another runner, it always fails to grab its own version of Mono. Installing it from the dependencies does nothing. Installing dotnet35 fails to complete, and, well, it seems my options are limited. Changing the runner manually in the yml file doesn't seem to do much of anything at all. Shame this isn't a big game everyone wants to play. We'd have a fully running version by now if it were.
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