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  1. Thanks for the reply..I know this rounding off pixels workaround... Is there any way to stop this altogether.. sometimes we export the pdf and send it to the clients/printers..they print it with these white borders..
  2. If i export bunch or couple of artboards as pdf.. apparently it automatically adds an extra point and creates white border here and there.. but if i select a single artboard and export.. then it looks fine.. no white border appears.. ill attach the files for the better understanding carousel main file.afdesign White border appears in artboards.pdf White border not appearing as single file 2.pdf White border not appearing as single file 1.pdf
  3. An option to go back to typing keyboard is not available in insert special character tab hovering.. i had ti maximize it to full screen and select the “abc” in order to get back to keyboard.. i will add the images.. so you will get an idea
  4. I'm using it in on ipad..there is no option to type the numbers or inputs in text menu(when changing text size)... Only option is either scrubbing the text icon on right side or scrubbing the + or - symbols...
  5. It would be nice to have a basic calculator function on text menu as well.. we often use divide & multiply to get the text hierarchy in our designs.. right now we need to use our phone to do that..if we have it in the app itself.. it will make our workflow even better…Here i attached an image for better understanding….
  6. When i saw the ad of v2 saying "something new is coming" i was expecting clickable prototype option more than publisher on ipad... I have read somewhere in this forum that devs were working on this project and trying to integrate this option in Affinity designer..but for some reason they have shelved this project...my question/wish is there any chance this project be back on track and we can use it on designer or a new app may be?..
  7. Thanks for this no subscription model.. And one major thing you guys are missing is the language support..please find a solution to bring Indic languages font support...it will open a big market for you.. imagine a country like india starts using affinity..it will boost your economy as well..
  8. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/171834-improvement-on-uiux-affinity-designer-v2-ipad-version/#comment-985399 @Libbi i have made a post regarding this in feedback section as well.. Hope it will come back in the next updates
  9. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/171834-improvement-on-uiux-affinity-designer-v2-ipad-version/ @MEB @Callumkindly look into this..
  10. Give us an option to get highlighted icons when selecting tools..i have attached an image to compare.. On the left side There is no good contrast.. i could barely which tool is selected.. but on the right side we can clearly see that move tool is selected even at the distance.. and colored magnet is also cool no? and please bring back the trash can…
  11. @walt.farrell here it is..
  12. Nice idea…in my procreate app i tweaked the setting to invoke quickmenu if touch/single tap the square button which is in middle between brush and opacity slidebars… My suggestion is they could implement this in “ ? “ button.. if we single tap the “?” It will invoke the quickmenu.. and if we long press “?” It will show name of the all tools.. in this way they can avoid adding one more icon just for quickmenu alone.. And change the icon somewhat to letter Q .. it means both question mark and quick menu as well..lol
  13. Please bring it back…it is very useful when you import a complex vectors from freepik and if you need to some delete some of the unwanted parts…trash can was really handy.. now i have to do either three finger swipe or long press on screen for each layers i need to delete.. see it will definitely ruin the workflow.. and i also like to have a blue highlighted on the tools we select…. In this v2 i could barely see which tools are selected.. it is only a bit darker than the unselected one.. There is no really a good contrast.. please address this too devs
  14. Actually i found it.. it is there on the top row you see BOLD ITALICS UNDERLINE and CROSS.. B I U S > character > positioning There you see those kerning and tracking option.. and in ipad 9th gen… V2 getting crash very often.. that too in very small file.. so i use V1 to finish those works.. will this be fixed anytime soon?
  15. While moving objects in x axis..⬅️➡️ These arrow marks make sense than upward and downward
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