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Everything posted by NathanC

  1. The SF Symbols app simply won't let me copy the symbol and redirects me to the Apple Developer font downloads page.
  2. Thanks, I've since confirmed that the ARM64 versions of the apps (Be it via the Microsoft store or the Affinity Store, MSIX or MSI/EXE) will trigger an app crash on startup when using a Parallels VM on a Silicon Mac, this is logged internally with the developers. I would suggest removing all existing Affinity apps and then install Photo via the MSI/EXE (x64) installer and then see how it goes. If that works repeat the same for Designer and Publisher. Link to the direct download page is below. https://store.serif.com/en-gb/update/windows/photo/2/
  3. Thanks, it doesn't look like the app is even getting as far as generating a standard crash report or even creating the reports folder so that does limit me a bit. I've checked your PerformancePreferences.xml and <UseHardwareAcceleration2> field is set to 'False' so I think we can rule out it being H/A related for now, but it still could be renderer related. Could you confirm for me if you're running the x64 or the ARM64 version of the apps? Just need to be certain. Could you also provide a copy of the Windows System and Application Event viewer logs? FAQ on saving these below. Thanks
  4. Welcome to the forums @rkh, I can't reproduce the app hang at the group copy step, however I can reproduce the app hang upon closing the document and attempting to quit the app, so i'll log this with the developers for further investigation. This was using SF symbols 5.1 with the latest the SF pro developer font installed.
  5. Hi @User9375, Can you send us a few more recent crash reports as well as the full log.txt file? Also, just to confirm are you using the ARM64 builds on this parallels machine? Thanks 🙂
  6. Welcome to the forums @InsPirado, The Select > Select Select Sampled colour function can select pixels which are not clearly indicated by Marching Ants dependant on the tolerance value set on the tool in regions where the colour selection is less 'intense'. With your selection active if you use enable the 'Quick Mask' function along the toolbar (shown below) and set the mode to 'Show Mask As Transparent' it is often much easier to detect and remove these areas from your selection.
  7. Welcome to the forums @Martin from Molton, The development team are currently investigating instances of the ‘Failed to save’ errors occurring under certain scenarios. This can be the result of issues with objects and elements within the document failing to save correctly but it can also be caused by saving to external storage locations. From your description it's more likely an issue with the file writing back to it's location. If you're saving to external storage (E.G Cloud, Network, USB) it's generally best to save locally and move to external storage after, as this can often significantly reduce the chances of encountering these errors or a file corruption. For the moment the diagnostic information in these 'failed to save' errors are quite limited at the moment so hopefully we'll be able to see more information as well as improved handling overall in the future, but I will be sure to 'bump' the existing issue with your report.
  8. Welcome to the forums @mr.rayz, I fairly recently logged a very similar issue to this with replacing content in .PSD embedded layers (thread below) resulting in the resource data being lost. What i'm observing in your recordings appears to be essentially the same/a very similar issue with embedded .afdesign files. Could you possibly share one of the affected files shown in your recordings so I can confirm? I've provided a private upload link below. https://www.dropbox.com/request/rJmQjGx3GeRFutKfSySa Many thanks.
  9. Welcome to the forums @HYDROTRANSFORMATOR, I have logged this problem with the developers with regards to the 'Donut' tool/shape, as the start/end stroke arrowheads overlap on the 'Start angle' when it should be split.
  10. Hi @roguebantha, Thanks, I've discussed this with one of our experts and confirmed that the most likely cause is due to the presence and intensity of the stuck/hot pixels. Photo aligns by star detail, and is misinterpreting the hot pixels as stars and performing the alignment based around them, resulting in the meaningful image content such as the stars are lost during the stack. In this scenario calibration frames (particularly dark frames) are needed to eliminate these during the stack. The only alternative would be to manually go through the images and highlight the defective pixels using the Bad Pixel Map tool, which would take a significant amount of time to do. https://affinity.help/photo2/English.lproj/pages/Astrophotography/astro_about.html
  11. Ah, that's good to hear, I think the problem may be related to the program you were using to view the PDF in on your desktop that was causing this so most of what i've said can just be disregarded, as I was just explaining that the comparison was completely fine when I compared it back to Publisher. On the left I had opened the .PDF document you attached to your forum post in Adobe Acrobat and on the right hand side I had the .afpub you attached open in Affinity Publisher 2. As shown the colour is exactly the same, and when I used a colour sampler in Acrobat and Publisher, the C/M/Y/K (0/100/58/50) colour values were also the same.
  12. Hi @Wicked Stepmother, I've compared the PDF you've attached opened in Acroabat to the .afpub file in Publisher using the 'Digger and Mojo' advert as an example but i'm not observing this colouration/intensity difference, see my screenshot below where I've compared the two side by side. I've also sampled both which both are 0/100/58/50. I even re-exported out using the (for Print) preset and checked this again to be sure. I'm similarly not seeing any differences with the image above this advert. This advert appears to be an embedded PDF resource in your .afpub document which uses the CMYK/8 U.S Web coated SWOP profile. This embedded profile is getting preserved on export as expected. Can you confirm what app you're using to preview the .PDF in and also provide some comparison screenshots? Thanks
  13. It's covered in the 'Node tool' article but is missing from the 'Edit Curves and Shapes' article you've linked, i'll raise this with the docs team. I'll pass this feedback along to the team, but I don't think this can be retrospectively corrected in the existing video tutorial.
  14. Hi @Dind, The development team are currently investigating instances of the ‘Failed to save’ errors occurring under certain scenarios. This can be the result of issues with objects and elements within the document failing to save correctly but it can also be caused by saving to external storage locations, this is more likely to be the cause if it's happening on most/every file. There have been some app file handling improvements since 2.2~ so I'd recommend also giving the V2 trial a try to see if you're seeing any improvement there. In future versions we will hopefully be given more specific diagnostic information for these errors in the app as well as overall improvements file handling since the team are currently working on this, however this is only relevant for V2 moving forward since V1 is no longer receiving regular updates. If you are saving your documents to external locations (E.G Cloud, Network Storage, External Drive) I would suggest saving your document locally and moving files to external locations after. If you're experiencing these saving issues when saving locally this could be the result of issues with Windows or your disk, I'd suggest running a Disk check and SFC scan to check for any windows corruptions and disk errors to see if they can be repaired. Also, check the System event viewer logs to see if there's any 'Bad block' or similar errors as this can indicate hardware failure. https://www.easeus.com/partition-manager-software/sfc-and-chkdsk.html
  15. Hi @Jamie1212, Is it possible that you have 'Preserve selection when creating new curves' enabled on the Pen tool?
  16. Welcome to the forums @MACE5cm, There are a number of issues currently logged with the developers related to the expand stroke function failing, if you can provide the sample file(s) prior to the expand where you are encountering these we can confirm and log them accordingly.
  17. Hi @JCarls, I can confirm i've replicated this issue on Windows. The ~lock file not deleting itself is a result of the Photo 2 not cleanly terminating when closed via 'X' and then pressing 'Save' to the modification prompt, this is logged under AF-3716 and is fixed in the upcoming 2.5.5 update. I've also confirmed that following this specific workflow via 'Edit in' has also been fixed by this.
  18. Hi @dcgall, I believe what you're seeing is a result of the default anti-aliasing when the two objects have been snapped rather than anything to do with object strokes. You can turn this off in the Layers panel 'Layer Options' menu as shown in the brief recording below. I applied this to a group containing both shapes so it passes down to both. RPReplay_Final1722427623 (1).mp4 Check out the tutorial below for more info on this, there is an alternative method to remove these via a levels adjustment.
  19. We have some historical reports logged of user files encountering paths 'collapsing' when using the smooth curves function as well as a more specific report on curve sections being removed entirely. I've created a quick sample file comprised of straight paths I am also observing these same failures shown in the recording and screenshot. The function does certainly have room for much improvement so i'll log this with the developers. Ideally a 'Simplify Path' function similar to illustrators would be beneficial in this scenario so hopefully it will be considered in a future version as it is a popular request.
  20. I do just want to echo what both Walt and R-C-R have mentioned with regard to the ~lock files. The files exist for the purpose of preventing external users from accessing documents that are currently open on your device as referenced in our FAQ below. These files exist to improve the integrity of your files by preventing potential corruption or saving issues as a result of other users simultaneously accessing your documents. The ~lock files are not capable of corrupting and/or tampering with existing documents on your system, nor have I or other members of the team witnessed any other user reports of this happening historically. If you have any suggestions as to how file handling or ~lock functionality can be improved or any similar feedback you are welcome to post over on the appropriate feedback section of the forums linked below. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/122-feedback-for-the-affinity-v2-suite-of-products/
  21. Hi @RM f/g, Similar to MikeTO i'm also unable to duplicate this in a new book or any existing files i've attempted this in, can you share the .afbook and chapter files where you're encountering this error? I've provided a private upload link below. https://www.dropbox.com/request/garC5twe0SGStWa9iSYC Thanks
  22. Welcome to the forums @Zcca28, This is a known issue currently logged with the developers, I've bumped the existing issue with your report.
  23. Thanks @mannkeithc, I've raised this internally with the QA team based on the information you've provided so we'll look into this further and confirm if it can be replicated on our ARM64 hardware.
  24. Welcome to the forums @Nick B., If it's only specific tools such as the brush based tools that fail to work it may be due to contextual options selected on these tools, can you provide a screen recording which demonstrates using the paint brush tool with the tablet input and then the mouse input for comparison? FAQ on screen recording below.
  25. Hi @Roland Ricaurte, I can see that you have the MSI/EXE(x64) version of the apps installed according to your Log.txt, try removing this version of the apps via Windows Settings > Installed apps and then proceed with installing the MSIX(x64) versions instead, I've provided links to the direct download pages below. Photo - https://store.serif.com/update/windows/photo/2/ Designer - https://store.serif.com/update/windows/designer/2/ Publisher - https://store.serif.com/update/windows/publisher/2/ To my knowledge this isn't something that we've been able to re-produce (blank renderer) nor is it specific to any specific GPU model but in previous instances i've had the MSIX version of the apps resolve this problem. Edit: From checking the log.txt Your Intel iGPU drivers appear to be quite outdated as was released in 2019, so I would also suggest that you update your drivers to the latest version available. Link to the driver detect/install tool below. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html
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