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RM f/g

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  1. Am I right that you opened a PDF in Publisher, not an original Publisher document?
  2. I gave it a try and it works for me if I use ‘relative to column’.
  3. So when you remove Path 1, which looks like a clipping path, what do you see?
  4. The pixel count of the export isn't too high: only 526 pixels. I presume the size of the artwork in vecors does not exactly match the size of pixels. I think the remedy in this case would be to extend the artwork a bit beyond the borders of the artboard.
  5. My first thougt is to remove the bottom border of the cell (in table panel). Then apply a paragraph decoration (stroke, in paragraph panel) to the text: indents right and left, 1 mm relative to column.
  6. Wat doe je precies wanneer je het bestand exporteert? Ik begrijp niet wat je met PDF-XChange Editor doet.
  7. Thanks. I have tried. Clicked once, didn't touch anything during download to make sure nothing interfered.
  8. Photo crashes every time at the end of the download. Same for Publisher. Crash log attached. Affinity Photo 2 Beta-2024-10-27-140101.ips
  9. In my case there's no crash, but the spinning beachball forever (AffPub 2.5.5). When using ‘after’ and the last page number instead of ‘last page’, adding pages is done instantly.
  10. It happenes to me sometimes I don't see the handles. When zooming in or out a bit and they reappear.
  11. Do keep in mind that V1 can't open files saved in V2.
  12. Paragraph spacing: Left Indent = 0.125 in; First Line Indent = 0. That should work. or Add ‘Indent to Here’ after tab in ‘Bullets and Numbering’.
  13. I switched to Pdf Studio Pro. I thinkt it's worth to give it a try.
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