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Everything posted by NathanC

  1. Hi @Vaclav Slovacek, Thanks for sending those files over, I can confirm I'm able to reproduce your issue. After opening and re-saving the 'Dvur - Backyard.afpackage' file as a .afpub and then subsequently placing the .afpub in a new empty document I'm observing the resource loads the low quality 'Missing' preview of the objects, but if I zoom in far enough the resources eventually load most of the time. It's entirely random as to whether or not all the linked objects within the placed file load the expected quality preview. If I double-click to edit the linked resource contents I can similarly see this low-quality preview again. Performing any further actions such as closing the linked resource and parent document or just panning around in the parent document the app will eventually result in a freeze or app crash, I've confirmed this is the same on both MacOS and Windows. I was originally under the impression that this may relate to the symbols in the 'Dvur Backyard' file as we have a similar issue to this historically logged, but after detaching the symbol instances these same problems persist. I'll log your file with the developers for further investigation into what's causing this.
  2. Welcome to the forums @raverdave, I can confirm I'm also able to reproduce the crash when opening your document but only on iPad. The crash report indicates towards an issue with resources but isn't specific about which one(s) are causing the crash. I've attached three versions of your document: - All Images and PDF resources removed (Removed Resources.afpub) - Images removed but PDF resources retained (PDFs Kept.afpub) - Images kept but PDF resources removed (Images Kept.afpub) Can you confirm if you're able to open any of these three files on iPad? In these states i'm able to open all three on iPad, just not your original doc. Images Kept.afpub PDFs kept.afpub removed resources.afpub
  3. Welcome to the forum @qblanc846, I can confirm I've replicated this issue with the provided sample and logged it with the developers, thanks for your report. This is a supported RAW format and camera so it should be getting processed correctly.
  4. Hey @rizzosan67, Thanks for sending it over, the smaller sample doc you've provided is completely fine. I have confirmed the version of the doc was indeed created in 2.4.2. I've opened your document in both v2.4.2 and v2.5.5 for comparison, and the text formatting is entirely identical. I noticed that from the beginning of chapter 2, the text style has some local formatting applied which is the alternate style set (Alternate 1) which contains the ordinals, which is true of both versions. Is it possible that this alternate was just unintentionally applied at some stage since it's the same in 2.4.2?
  5. This issue is still logged internally to be fixed and the developers are aware that it affects the Sequoia release candidate, I've bumped it with your reports.
  6. You can flatten the design in its entirety by setting 'Rasterise' to 'Everything' in the PDF export settings under the 'Advanced' section. Or you can select just the four groups that contain the dots and right-click > 'Rasterise' but the former may be the better option.
  7. Thanks for sending those over, I can confirm this is a known bug with expand stroke currently logged with the developers. It's possible to replicate this without needing to export by using the expand stroke function on the brush dots. The problem relates to the dots being created via vector brush strokes. This process creates a minimum of two overlapping nodes, which, when expanded, causes the curve to 'collapse'. The PDF export process will similarly force a stroke expansion of these curves, resulting in the issue you're seeing in the PDF. I've been rolling back app versions and expanding the dots even as far as V1 to see if it's possible to maintain these dots without the curve collapsing, though unfortunately the result is the same, so flattening these objects on export may be the only plausible alternative which I understand is not ideal.
  8. Hi @rizzosan67, Any chance you could provide the document? I've provided an upload link below. Also, can you recall what version the document was created/saved in originally so we can roll back and confirm this? https://www.dropbox.com/request/oHiWJweDFTBsAgCcvryy Thanks
  9. Welcome to the forums @makarovSoftware, This is a known issue currently logged with the developers, i've bumped the existing issue with your report. 👍
  10. Hi @Corina Nika, This does appear to be an expand stroke issue, could you possibly provide us with the following: Copy of the native affinity document (.afdesign/afpub/afphoto) Copy of the exported PDF file Screenshot of your PDF export settings I've provided a private upload link below if you do not wish to share the files publicly. https://www.dropbox.com/request/JRTJLmj6OzA8QfY6vvPk Thanks!
  11. Thanks @walt.farrell, I've tagged the thread and also added a comment for the Devs.
  12. Hi @Vaclav Slovacek Based on your screenshot the render of the bench appears to be the low quality cached preview of the resource similar to what Publisher shows if a resource is missing, based on your description I would not believe this to be the case, but for 100% confirmation does the resource status (And the linked resource(s) inside the linked file) all show as OK and not missing? If the resource states are all OK and it still renders the poor quality preview could you confirm the below? What MacOS version are you using? Is Publisher up to date? (2.5.5) Where are the source file and linked resources kept? (E.G Local drive, Cloud Drive, NAS drive etc.) Could you provide a copy of a currently affected document so we can see if the issue can be observed/replicated? I’ve provided a private upload link below.https://www.dropbox.com/request/0wo45O4VCjvsRoa1vFIS Not for this type of issue i'm afraid. Resource Manager doesn't currently have a 'Refresh all' button, but you could try removing and re-placing the resource if the link/embed switch doesn't work.
  13. Hi @Clayton King apologies for the late reply, I would agree that the pinning behaviour based on your screenshots is a bit unusual, are you able to perhaps share a sample document or a small section of a file where you have experienced this flow problem so we can take a look at the pin setup and text wrap settings?
  14. It’s possible to clean the original photo using a combination of Inpaint and Cloning to remove the tears and marks as well as the Dust + Scratches filter to remove the smaller imperfections. However, the process adding some sharpness such as Unsharp mask doesn’t provide great results for the image and only serve to add clarity to areas that lack any initial detail, and unfortunately I’ve not been able to source that specific radio model. Perhaps the other users may have a potential workflow for this.
  15. Welcome to the forums @jtiemann, Could you clarify if the Plugin issue you're experiencing is the same one where the images appear as 'tiled' outlined in the thread below? This is currently logged with the developers so hopefully it will be resolved in a future version of the apps.
  16. Hola @RodrigoArgonEstudio disculpa el retraso en la respuesta, Las aplicaciones de Affinity no tienen una función específica de «Vista previa de separación», aunque se trata de una petición frecuente. No obstante, te recomiendo que consultes el siguiente tutorial, en el que se explica cómo separar un documento CMYK.
  17. Hi @bediicco apologies for the late reply, One way to achieve this sort of mirroring is using Symbols. In the example below, I created a pentagon with an inward curve, converted the shape to curves and placed an additional node with the node tool on the bottom-centre segment of the shape. I then selected the three bottom nodes and used the alignment function 'Space Horizontally' to centre the node. I then marquee selected the four nodes on the right hand side of the pentagon and used the 'Break Curve' function and deleted the smaller curve segments. In the symbols panel, I created a symbol out of half of the shape, inserted it onto the canvas, aligned it with the original and flipped it horizontally. At this stage I can manipulate the nodes any actions will be mirrored on the other side. I've created a brief screen recording demonstrating the steps on iPad. It is a bit of a long-winded workflow so perhaps other forum members may have some alternates. Mirroring.MP4
  18. Hi @Eugen, The 'Show all' scenario described is something that's been historically logged with the developers, however the feedback we received from the development team is that this is by design due to how the function works on Groups and Parent/Child Layers, see the historical post from Dan C below. This behaviour/logic is similarly used in the 'Unlock All' function for the same reasons, but you're welcome to share this as feedback.
  19. Hi @Hangman, I've logged this 'Juddering' UI issue with the developers and also made reference to that it can be observed when re-sizing the app window. 👍
  20. It's not something we'll be able to provide a timeframe for wit regards to a fix version i'm afraid. I've updated the existing issue to reflect that it's still a problem in the latest version. This thread is tagged so if there are any further updates the Affinity Info Bot will automatically reply.
  21. Hi @4dimage, The Export persona cutoff issue is a known issue that has been logged previously, so i've updated the existing issue and bumped it with your report. I've additionally logged the 'Selection Area' bleed problem you've identified as there is room for improvement here. 👍
  22. Hi @Matt Gemmell, Many thanks for providing a sample file, this is an issue that has been previously logged but was in need of some TLC, I've updated the existing issue, added your example and bumped it with your report. 🙂
  23. Welcome to the forums @eluz, Was the file saved externally to your iPad storage as an .afdesign file at any point? If so, are you able to provide us with a copy of the document so we can investigate further and see if it's contents can be recovered? If you do not wish to share it publicly I have provided a private upload link below. https://www.dropbox.com/request/q9WAROow9bTla6GPdI7N If you don't have the file saved externally see if you're able to save it from 'Live Docs' home screen rather than attempting to open the file and then saving it, there is a small context menu at the bottom right hand corner which will prompt the option to 'Save'.
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