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Everything posted by NathanC

  1. Welcome to the forums @TheKaiser_ sorry to hear that, If the app crashes during the loading font process, this is a likely indication of a specific font installed onto your Operating System causing the app to crash, but identifying the faulting font can often be tricky. If you could provide us with a recent crash report and a copy of your log.txt file we can see if the font can be identified. To find the Log.txt please follow the below after attempting to launch the app, there are two methods listed dependant on if you installed via the MSIX or MSI/EXE installer: MSIX Press WIN + R to open 'Run' Enter/Paste in the following path: %USERPROFILE%/.affinity/Designer/2.0 Copy the Log.txt and attach a copy to your post MSI/EXE Press WIN + R to open 'Run' Enter/Paste in the following path: %APPDATA%/affinity/Designer/2.0 Copy the Log.txt and attach a copy to your post Where to find crash reports: Thanks
  2. This is an issue currently logged internally, but not one we can provide a timeframe for a fix unfortunately, I've bumped the existing issue with your report.
  3. Thanks for the upload @echiriff can confirm I've got 583 lights and 1 dark. I've raised this with the experts internally and will let you know when I hear back.
  4. No need to log in to the beta section for this issue, since I've already put the work into re-creating the issue I've logged it internally as a regression in the 2.6 beta. 🙂
  5. Thanks for confirming, I'll get this logged.
  6. Try the same workflow in 2.5.7 release, looks like a possible bug in the beta.
  7. Unfortunately there isn't an updated Data merge tutorial, which is inclusive of the newer functions added in V2, but it's something that I'll raise with the team. I've created a very basic two page sample template which uses the Anchor link concerning the example data set used in the original post. <Record Anchor> uses the first field records A1 to A8 on Page 1, and <Link To Anchor> is the second field on Page 2 which has A1 to A8 but in a different order. I've added an Anchor to Page 2, enabled 'From Data Merge' and set it to use the <Link to Anchor> data merge field, this will just use the default 'Anchor 1' name in the merge template since i've not changed it. I then highlighted the <Record Anchor> Field on page 1 inserted a hyperlink, Set it to 'Anchor 1' and set it to link to the <Link to Anchor> field via 'From Data Merge' again. When I generate the merge, this will respectively hyperlink <Record Anchor> A1 to <Link to Anchor> A5, A2 to A6, A3 to A7 etc. and will also name the respective anchors in the anchors panel accordingly. Comparatively, If I were to just link to an Anchor which doesn't use the 'From Data' data merge, every record would just link back to A5 as it's the first record. The feature essentially allows you to cross-reference data merge results. I've attached the documents (.ZIP file) below for reference; I'm not sure if it would work for your specific document/workflow but thought It would be worth referencing that it can pull the anchor names (and therefore export to PDF bookmarks) from the dataset. Data merge Anchor field link.zip
  8. Hi @anto, Are you using the Data merge field link from Anchor, as described in the thread below? As far as I can tell from a basic sample document, the Anchor name is being pulled through on the generated document from the data source. If it's not or if I have misinterpreted it may be helpful to see a sample doc and data source. 🙂
  9. If you could upload a copy of the FITS files pre-stack, we can explore possible reasons for this, I've added a private upload link below. https://www.dropbox.com/request/p93x3kiLGu575IfIcDWG As far as I'm aware, the site compresses any uploads to improve page loading times and save space. It also converts uploaded lossless PNGs over to JPEG to compress them, which may explain why high-res astrophotography photos are more significantly affected than others, the website below contains some tips on optimising files pre-upload. I'd also recommend ensuring that you're using RGB/8 sRGB 2.1 to ensure any out-of-gamut colours are not getting clipped if you haven't been already. https://willgoodlet.com/blog/optimising-facebook-images
  10. Hi @Finlay55555 welcome to the forums, If you could upload a copy of an affinity-exported PDF, as well as one previously exported from Illustrator, we can look at comparing the embedded ICC profiles within the files and confirm any potential factors contributing to the print colour differences. Thanks
  11. Hi @Celimar welcome to the forums, As far as I'm aware, there isn't a way to set these to permanently defined colours via the 'Quick Colours' section of the colour panel. It would be best to use the swatches menu to create your own custom swatch containing your most used colours.
  12. Hi @AdriZ, Can confirm I've replicated this issue with your file and logged it with the developers for further investigation.
  13. Welcome to the forums @sgasioro, Recovery files only contain partial data from the current session rather than a full document backup and are also based on the 'Recovery Interval' seconds set in Performance preferences. I've not been able to replicate the autosave failing to reload so far, but the recovery file may have been damaged in your instance if no changes were pulled through. If you're able to confirm if the crash can be replicated by performing the same actions, your Operating System and App version, we can look into this further and also confirm if this results in a failed document recovery.
  14. Hi @Artahir, Could you confirm if you're running the Windows 11 24H2 update? There have been reports of some users experiencing total system freezes while working in hardware-accelerated apps (such as Affinity) running 24H2. Disabling Hardware Acceleration reportedly alleviates this issue, you can do this by going to Edit -> Settings -> Performance and then unchecking this setting and subsequently restarting for this change to take effect. The Affinity apps are user-mode applications that aren't able to trigger a system-wide freeze or BSOD, there are likely underlying driver/OS based issues that are causing the freeze. The Windows 11 24H2 update has introduced a number of widespread issues relating to drivers, so if you've recently updated Windows this may be related to the cause. I've linked a forum post below which contains a more detailed explanation of this.
  15. Welcome to the forums @echiriff, Assuming that you're referring to the green cast on the stacked result, I'd recommend checking out the post from our expert James below on correcting this.
  16. Hi @abra100pro, Looks like this bug triggers when 'Show Rulers' is enabled. This has been logged with the developers, thanks for your report.
  17. Hi @Alex_M, Can you share a copy of the file where you're experiencing this render/redraw issue? I've provided a private upload link below if you do not wish to share it publicly. https://www.dropbox.com/request/AKMT5FD4Nv6B0ubJsB5u Thanks
  18. Hi @simon bd, I'd recommend checking your placed image's DPI values against your PDF export settings; the JPEG Compression Quality % will affect image layers that are downsampled/flattened on export, which is actioned based on your 'Downsample Images - Above X DPI' setting, which for most presets is set to downsample images above 375 DPI. They are flattened to your document (or custom) DPI value and are thereby affected by the JPEG compression quality. You'll therefore want to have the 'Downsample Images' setting enabled and perhaps consider changing the Above X DPI setting depending on your images.
  19. Hi @katie885, You appear to have already posted over on the V2 Bugs for MacOS section of the forums regarding this issue; please avoid duplicate posting to different sections of the forums.
  20. Hi @Nelly131, Thanks for uploading the files. The issue appears to be a result of the 0pt inner bleed setting of each chapter in conjunction with the export 'All Chapters as Pages' setting on a facing page document. Comparative to an 'All Pages' export of the individual .afpub chapters, the .afbook book export of 'All Chapters as pages' doesn't respect this bleed setting and instead assigns each middle page an inner bleed value, resulting in the observed page sizing differences when opened in a PDF reader. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be fixed in the latest beta, so I'll be logging this with the developers for further investigation.
  21. Hi @LCamachoDesign, This is an UI issue currently logged with the developers, I've bumped the issue with your report.
  22. Hi @Stern1, This is an issue that's still outstanding with the developers, I'd recommend following the guidance in the FAQ below to disable the 'iCloud drive' in System Settings for each of the Affinity apps. This shouldn't prevent opening files from iCloud but should hopefully improve the loading speed.
  23. Hi @Franz Rogar, Can confirm this is a bug which I've now logged with the developers. -- I've also replicated and logged the offset/undo issue with Sync set to 'On' in your file, thanks for the detailed report.
  24. Hi @eduardotanco, The 'Show Brush Preview' app setting will display a preview of the currently selected brush nozzle when using an Apple Pencil with Hover enabled but it won't show the circular brush area. Therefore, since the selection brush tool doesn't display the brush nozzle there is nothing to preview when hovering. Comparatively, if you use the paint brush tool it will display the selected nozzle when hovering the pencil. There isn't an option to view the circular brush area while pencil hovering at the moment. Gestures are also available on Photo 2 for iPad, but it can depend on what tool you're using as to what gestures are available I've linked the cheat sheet below. https://resources.serif.com/spotlight/learning/shortcuts/Affinity-Photo-2-Gestures-iPad.pdf
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