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Everything posted by NathanC

  1. Hi @thinkofacard, Based on the description of your document's layout, I'm assuming that all chapters exist as a part of a singular .afpub document? Not sure whether this is worth the time investment in terms of reformatting an existing file, but going forward it would be worth considering formatting your book's chapters as individual .afpub files and collating them together into a single cohesive file using Publishers 'Books' panel. Having chapters split can help with more effective navigation and organisation, and also allow for Master Page and Style syncing between different chapters. I've linked the video tutorial and help page below. https://affinity.help/publisher2/English.lproj/pages/Panels/booksPanel.html In terms of navigating your existing document, there isn't a 'Go to Next/Previous Section', but you could use either of the proposed methods from MikeTO or Thomaso in the thread below.
  2. Welcome to the forums @Jade Ravens, If I've understood correctly you could assign a shortcut to the 'Factory Reset' option found under the Edit -> Defaults menu to a keyboard shortcut, which will revert the selected object(s) globally back to the app default when the assigned shortcut is pressed. The 'Set Fill to black & White' setting is just a basic local setting to reset the colour panel colour well/spots to black and white, which will also affect a vector shape's stroke/fill attributes if a curve is actively selected. You could optionally un-assign this function's shortcut and assign this to the 'Factory Reset' command instead.
  3. Welcome to the forums @Marcel123, Looks like a lens model mapping issue, I'll get this logged with the developers for correction.
  4. There have been a few logged instances of the file recovery prompt getting incorrectly triggered based on certain actions taken (E.G moving pages, opening certain menus), these have now been fixed in the 2.6 beta, so it does appear that this trigger has also been fixed.
  5. Many thanks, I'd initially recommend following the steps below to reset the app defaults and disable H/A: Close all affinity apps Hold down CTRL and launch Photo 2 while continuing to hold CTRL A 'Clear user data' menu will prompt, leave the existing options checked and additionally tick 'Disable Hardware Acceleration' Press 'Clear' and the app will now launch, try creating a new document and export again If successful, repeat this process for Designer 2. If the issue persists could you provide a few recent crash reports? The FAQ below details how to find these. Many thanks
  6. Willkommen im Forum @Mona Tesch Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, sind diese weißen Ränder an den Seiten Ihres Designs Teil der Pixelebene. Sie können also das Zuschneidewerkzeug (C) verwenden, um diese weißen Ränder zu entfernen, indem Sie die Zuschneidegrenzen an jeder Kante einfach um ein paar Pixel anpassen und dann erneut exportieren und drucken.
  7. Welcome to the forums @Dot88, I'd advise disabling 'Hardware Acceleration' under Edit -> Settings -> Performance and then closing the app and restarting when prompted to for this to take effect, before trying to open an image again. If the issue persists, could you provide me with a screenshot of your 'Performance' settings window? Many thanks
  8. In this case yes it would be a feature request. 👍 Not sure I follow, are you expecting the decimal value to be retained when incrementing with the scroll wheel and holding down both the SHIFT and CTRL modifier keys? (E.G 10.1mm -> 20.1mm)? Been trying this in the transform panel fields and new document fields and they don't have this behaviour.
  9. Oops! Sorry, credit to @loukash!
  10. To my knowledge this is only possible using the method Pšenda Loukash listed in their original post via the guides manager, demonstrated in the recording below. Screen Recording 2025-02-14 at 13.05.29.mp4 Since guides are visual aids/UI elements rather than objects/layers they cannot be 'nudged' directly on the canvas.
  11. Hi @_8x6B-C3, Can confirm this is a known issue currently logged with the developers, i've bumped the issue with your report.
  12. You can also get an overview of all new features added since the release of V2 on the Full Feature list affinity store pages linked below. 🙂 https://affinity.serif.com/photo/full-feature-list/ https://affinity.serif.com/designer/full-feature-list/ https://affinity.serif.com/publisher/full-feature-list/
  13. Welcome to the @BlackSoulJay, The app interface may be positioned somewhere off screen, after opening the app select Window -> Zoom to bring it forward to your current display. If it's not this please answer NMF's queries above and provide screenshots or a screen recording. Thanks!
  14. Hi @JFF welcome to the forums, We'll need some more info to assist further, could you confirm/provide the following: What Operating System are you using? Are the apps fully up to date? (v2.5.7) What format are you exporting to? Can you try creating a new empty document and then re-attempt the export of the new empty file? If the issue is specific to a certain file, please provide us with a copy of the file. Many thanks!
  15. Welcome to the forums @europlus, I'm not 100% convinced this is the cause without seeing the original document and PDF, but the difference in the PDF output may be the result of the images getting downsampled. I'd therefore initially recommend checking your placed image's DPI values against your PDF export settings; the JPEG Compression Quality % will affect image layers that are downsampled/flattened on export, which is actioned based on your 'Downsample Images - Above X DPI' setting. Most presets will use the 'Above 375 DPI' setting, so if your images are lower than this they shouldn't be affected by downsampling, but it's worth checking. You can turn this off in the PDF export settings under 'Advanced', uncheck both the JPEG Compression and Downsample images boxes and export again. If it's not this, it would be helpful if you could share the following: The affected .afpub file and the images (if they're externally linked) Exported PDF Screenshot of desired PDF export settings It doesn't necessarily need to be the whole document, just a smaller affected sample/page. 🙂
  16. Hi @Shiwei, I've tried this on a few devices, both Windows 10 and 11. The only condition where I can replicate this behaviour is If I open a file and during the app loading in the background and I click/interact with the file explorer dialog again. In which case this would be the expected behaviour, as the app window is no longer in focus, file explorer is, so it's focus would be retained as the focused window after the App and file finishes loading. If you're not interacting with file explorer whatsoever after opening a file, could you provide a screen recording demonstrating this? Many thanks
  17. Welcome to the forums @brandesign, As Komatös mentioned this will be the result of installing both the MSI/EXE and MSIX versions of the app on the same device, likely as a result of selecting 'MSIX' from the download options page when you were prompted to update. You can remove the duplicate version by going to Windows Settings -> Installed Apps. The MSIX version can be identified via a few different indicators from this menu: - MSIX generally has a much smaller app size - MSIX has the option to 'Move' - MSIX has an 'Advanced Options' button. Once you've identified the MSIX version you can then uninstall it so you're back to only having a singular version of each app installed. 🙂
  18. Hi @erdi12, This is a known issue with the soft proof adjustment currently logged with the developers, I've updated the existing issue and bumped it with your report.
  19. Hi @GregD, Looks like the Levels adjustment has failed to import correctly into Photo 2, there is an existing bug regarding Levels adjustment import specifically for PSD files, but I'll log this as a separate issue specific to layered TIFF files, thanks for your report.
  20. Welcome to the forums @Paradinha, I'd recommend checking that your RAM usage limit is set to the same as your System's memory and also consider closing down any unnecessary background apps that are running whilst you're working in Photo 2. You can check the RAM usage limit via the app settings -> Performance. You'll also find a 'Disk Usage Warning' slider here, so you can be warned earlier on. When a document is opened in affinity, it will be loaded into the system's memory, depending on variables such as the complexity and size of your document as well as the system's RAM capacity you can end up using more memory than what's available on your system. At this stage the app will start paging the overflow memory requirements to your disk, resulting in temporary data added to your hard drive, which is removed when the app is restarted. Activity Monitor can also be used to determine the memory and disk usage of the app during the session.
  21. No Problem. There's no easy way to identify these problem curves outside of trial-and-error export attempts as it can be like finding a needle in a haystack, especially on files this complex/large. I had to round-trip in external apps via an SVG export to remove the faulting curves. If you do get any further PDF export issues, feel free to post. Thanks for providing additional detail on your workflow, I'll get this added to the report.
  22. Hi @MalmöMaria, Can confirm I was able to fix the file, I've PM'd you a copy. There are quite a few problem curves throughout the document which were causing the exporter to fail; I was able to strip these problem curves out of the document, so I'd advise comparing your original design to the one I've sent you over to restore anything missing. These problem curves have disconnected paths, which cause the PDF exporter to fail, so I'll get this issue logged with the developers for further investigation. Could you confirm what tool the majority of the curves were drawn with - E.G Pencil, Vector brush or Pen? Thanks
  23. Thanks @Hrafn, In your .afphoto and Denmark 2.jpg files I'm observing that the files contain a Replacement character (�) in place of the expected Danish characters, but this isn't something I've been able to reproduce from a new document on MacOS or Windows. If I copy/paste the text from your post (Ærø på øerne) into the 'ImageDescription' field in Photo and then either save and re-load the file as a .afphoto or just export directly out to JPEG with the metadata, this works as expected with the danish characters present in the EXIF field. I also installed a Danish language pack/Keyboard on Windows and manually entered these characters into the field (Æ Ø Å) to the same result with all the characters present. See the exported file below for reference. Do the replacement characters (�) appear as soon as you enter Danish characters into the metadata field, or does this require that you save or export out to JPEG first? What happens if you try and enter these characters into a standard text frame? If you could provide a screen recording demonstrating the issue on a new image on Photo that may help us understand what's going wrong, as it's potentially related to local user enviroment. embed metadata export.zip Denmark new (1).afphoto Many thanks
  24. There's no tolerance slider to control this behaviour currently, the tool's current design relies on intersecting paths to detect a fill area. You're welcome to post on the feedback section of the forums if you'd like to share thoughts how the tool could be improved. 🙂 https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/122-feedback-for-the-affinity-v2-suite-of-products/
  25. Even if the stroke visually appears to have a point of contact doesn't mean that the stroke path's intersect to form a closed area, you can check this with the node tool. You'll likely need to manually adjust the node position of the stroke so it overlaps into the other side. A copy of your .afdesign file would confirm if this is the case.
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