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Everything posted by uncle808us

  1. I drag out a selection (oval) I want it bigger how is this done? PS. I have no idea where to ask this question I looked thru the new post choices but I found nothing that seemed apparent for Mac Photo questions.
  2. Your topic subject is unclear we all have problems, oh software problems, who knew what software oh still don't know that. Spend a little time on the subject line geez...
  3. Try to do a little better on your subject entry. I don't even look at subjects like "2 Questions" the only reason I came to your post was to suggest you put some effort into the subject, 2 questions could be 1.Why is the sky blue? 2. Why don't people put a bit more effort into posting on forums? My Opinion.
  4. @ Alfred:Thanks that was a great explanation I tried them all and now understand a bit more. No.2 was what I liked the best and I changed the Rectangle color to white worked great Thanks.
  5. @ R C-RWhen I try this drag text on to rectangle converted to curves filled with black. I get everything clipped but the dot over the " i" . What ann I doing wrong? I want just the dot masked. Thanks
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