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Interesting lockup problem

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I see you've got a new Beta id up, downloading, but this may still be relevant.

- I was editing several images, not large, and with plenty of laptop resources, especially stable and up-to-moment but not yet 0319 Win 10

- two or three out of four were created New from Clipboard

- I'd done some exports of the main one

- closing down, each of the clips properly asked if I wanted to save: no

- on the last one, the want-to-save dialog froze, and Photo with it. 

- no moves would make it live (escape, other mousing, keys, etc.), so I used the Win10 bottom bar right-click-close-window

- with that, bang, Photo started responding again. With a few extra perhaps clicks I could get out of the dialog, see the page again, and close it by tab close button.

- memory fails, but it seems Photo shut down of its own accord then, so an original event may still have been there to be acted upon.


Cheers - quite appreciative of all design and pub software you are pressing ahead with...and how it works, full of intelligent surprises...


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a p.s. I was also running the contemporary before-today Designer Beta, and a clip or two shared between, but likely this is not a source  of problematic interaction, still thought you should know. No memory issues etc., as before.

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In the previous Bêta, on Win 10, AP and AD closed in  a blink  on saving some documents… I didn't loose some works: I take the habit to save more often since the problem occured few Bêta ago.
I didn't checked for crash reports or post in the forum about it since I'm using Win 10 at work and have no time for doing so.

I don't think it happens on Win 7, unless I use some bugged files.

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Hello Chris, and thanks for looking carefully into this. it felt perhaps a remaider/continuation/ix result of the recent issue where Photo and Design would come up with unwanted 'unsaved' copies of earlier edits, and lock refusing to delete them or do other work.

Being a softwareish guy myself, you'll know how that thinking would run.

I'm scratching my head for a detail to excite this. I believe I had five tabs up, I think all of them created 'from clipboard', that special selection. Four of the five would have been 'from clipboard' out of selections from others of this set of sort-of clones.

it may be significant that I hadn't saved any of the tabs during the work on them, other than (maybe) the first, left-hand tab. Maybe not even that one. 

It's also interesting that an event from the Win10 bottom bar icon 'close all windows' actually got the program to pick up sticks, and start paying attention to its own events again. in the earlier case you fixed of locking  up on irrelevant old safety copies, you had to shut the execution down from the Task Manager, only thing that would do it.

There's also the sense, but not fully in memory, that once i got events running again, when I closed that last tab, that Photo went ahead and closed down its full execution, which that  would normally not do --- that we had one or more events stuck in the queue.

That's about all I have. The business of events being blocked for sure, and then possibly having a queued one possibly around (if it was) to cause a closedown (if it did) are the main pointers to where the trouble ought to lay. 

I _think_ this machine is very stable -- in fact recently done up to be especially so, in anticipation of another software load coming from Microsoft. I did things like create another main user, remove a suspect/old background-running program, etc.. But it is Windows, and therefore we know you can never be sure. I'd give over even money there's a bug actually in Photo/probably Design...and if so, quite possibly generated out of the recent safety files lockup fix, as i never  saw anything like this before, in light use but persistent over your  beta times.

So that's another clue, isn't it.

Hoping this helps, anyway, and cheers,

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