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Affinity Preset LUT's Bundle?

Jason Z

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I have moved from Lightroom to Affinity and more-or-less starting over, and since I cannot import my .lrtemplate presets into Affinity I'm looking to buying a package.  I don't have as much time as I used to to tweak and save presets on my own.  Has anyone purchased this bundle from https://photo-presets.com/products/affinity-advanced-mega-bundle-2000?  I want to make sure it's not a scam and was curious if it is worth the $30 purchase if it isn't.  Thanks.


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I havent used LUT's before. I downloaded some freebies from the link @mikerofoto gave in the post above.

I have downloaded a sample pack which seems to contain a bunch of folders. These folder seem to contain a bunch of different files, with the files suffixes being the same. - 3

Looks, from the instructions like I only need use the CUBE format?

Also, once loaded LUT > Load > Add Preset it looks like they stay as presets on the LUT area, correct?

Anything else I should be concerning myself with? Any other tips?


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2 hours ago, youngmedia said:

I havent used LUT's before. I downloaded some freebies from the link @mikerofoto gave in the post above.

I have downloaded a sample pack which seems to contain a bunch of folders. These folder seem to contain a bunch of different files, with the files suffixes being the same. - 3

Looks, from the instructions like I only need use the CUBE format?

Also, once loaded LUT > Load > Add Preset it looks like they stay as presets on the LUT area, correct?

Anything else I should be concerning myself with? Any other tips?


Correct, you can use 3DL and Cube with Affinity Photo, on the main page of his website there’s some explanation of what type suffix are for so you may not need most of them. Once you import LUTs in Affinity they stay there if you “save” them as preset.

you can find many free online as well as paid and even specific camera look, like Fuji film emulation.


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