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Status: Public Beta
Purpose: Stability and General Testing
Requirements: 64 Bit Win 7 SP1 / Win 8.1 / Win 10  (>=1607)

Please note: We're only releasing the 293 build on Windows, in order to fix the saving crash that was introduced in 292 (which doesn't appear to affect macOS). Normal service will be resumed soon...

We are pleased to announce Affinity Publisher build 293 is now available as a manual download from the link above. To be notified when there is a new beta please press follow on this announcment thread

As this is a beta it is considered to be not suitable for production use. This means that you should not attempt to use it for commercial purposes or for any other activity where you may be adversely affected by the application failing, including the total loss of any documents. 

We hope you enjoy the product, and as always, if you've got any problems installing or running up, please don't hesitate to post in this thread.

Any problems actually using this version please make a new topic in this forum and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Please feel free to leave general suggestions and comments in the Discussion Forum

Many thanks for your continued feedback.


  • Added crosshair and ability to constraint in X (using SHIFT modifier) in Curves Adjustment
  • Fixed Group thumbnails to stay small size regardless of Small, Medium, Large settings
  • Renamed Blend mode "Pass Through" to "Passthrough" (to match macOS)
  • Fixed Live filter blend modes don't clear previews on mouse exit
  • Fixed tabbing to the BlendMode combo with they keyboard on the Unsharp Mask filter and then using the down arrow key selects an invalid separator blend mode entry
  • Fixed Adjustments/Filter dialogs tab to next input box loses focus 
  • Fixed highlight index marks in the index panel when you move the caret next to them 
  • Fixed drag below master in layers view 
  • Fixed double clicking index mark places the caret rather than selecting 
  • Fixed crash during save of large document release notes

  • 3 weeks later...
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