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With regards to Text on a Path, will this also support text using the Art Text Tool as well as the Frame Text Tool?  The reason I ask is that text created with the Art Text Tool is exported to PDF as a vector whereas text created with the Frame Text Tool is exported as a raster.  So, text with Art Text Tool is strongly required from this perspective..  Thanks :)

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Hello, how about drag and drop colors from the color palette directly onto objects on the canvas, either stroke or fill?


Yes, you can just select an object(s) and do it the traditional way, however I often found myself picking a random color and wishing it would accept the behavior of me dragging a color to multiple objects here and there, in the end it results in less clicking and found it feels very intuitive when done with other programs.


Could something like this be expected on a modern app like AD?


Either way, I really love the direction the beta is going!

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Hi decimate555,


You should find that this (basically) works already? Just go to the Swatches panel and drag a fill onto an object - it should show a cursor with a plus on it to show it will do something special. It will currently always just set the fill on the current context though (i.e. it will set either the fill or the line - whichever you have selected as the current context). We did discuss yesterday that we may make this smarter and if you drop onto the stroke it will set the stroke, other wise it will set the fill - but that is not implemented yet...




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Oh, I see, yes the drag and drop function does seems to exist already somewhat although not in mature form yet. Glad to hear that this ability is already in discussions.


I attached a screen describing of how I wish the program would handle this, at least on a basic level.






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