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Text frames disappear when scrolling

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Hi Jeremy,

Does this happen without Show Text flow enabled? I've just tried it myself and it looks to happen with that option both on and off. It also happens in Designer 1.6, so it is not new to Publisher.

If it doesn't happen with Show Text Flow disabled, could you record a video of the behaviour you are getting as I may have misunderstood you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed this too (now beta 257), and I also thought it was distracting. However, strictly speaking, it is not just with the Show Text Flow enabled. If you turn that off, then select a text frame, that particular text frame will display the same flashing behavior when scrolling. It is much more noticeable when you turn on Show Text Flow because now every frame is outlined as a currently selected frame, so there is a lot of flashing.

Furthermore, for some reason, the outlines of some text frames do not show up at all when not selected if Show Text Flow is not enabled, but they do show up when Show Text Flow is activated.

In this picture, Show Text Flow is enabled, but no text frame is currently selected:



In this picture, Show Text Flow is disabled, and no text frame is currently selected:



There are much fewer text frame outlines visible when Show Text Flow is disabled, and those that do show up do not flicker in and out on scroll. In this mode, only a selected frame flickers. Every one of the frames that are added by Show Text Flow does flicker.

Unless it is a matter of performance, I would prefer that every guide or frame outline that is currently on view will remain visible in scrolling.

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