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Global colours

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Global colours are giving inconsistent results. As shown below if I apply a global colour to an element in a master page and then edit that G/colour, the results don't filter down to the document pages consistently. As illustrated all the pages from 2 to 9 are linked to the same master page but not all updated.



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7 minutes ago, Eugene Tyson said:

Are you sure you haven't released the items from the master page? 

I haven't release pages from the master but checking back they do appear to have done so. I'll have another play.

I was playing about with another calendar I'd created after your helpful post and I tried applying G/colour to that. I got similar problems, on that particular example no pages updated and when I forced the master to apply to the rest I managed to get syncronising but The frame containing the Months, days and dates deleted themselves from my January page. Very odd behaviour ;-)

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3 hours ago, Eugene Tyson said:

You should apply your global colours using Styles - Table Styles for instance would be ebtter than putting your calendar on the master page.

I didn't put the table on the master, there seems to be a bug with that and the picture frame tool some one else has reported

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15 minutes ago, Chris_K said:

HI Gaseous Clay

I'm not getitng this here. If you go to the actually pages have the objects themselves update and it is just the page thumbnails being slow to update or of the objects on the pages not updating too?

Hi Chris. Yeah the object on the page doesn't update.


As you can see resizing an object isn't a problem, just the global colour edit



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Pages 2,3 4,5 and 6,7 all have the shape's fill unlinked. That's why they don't work. Expand the Master A layer on each of these pages. All shapes have a dashed orange line on the left meaning some attributes of the symbols (which is the functionality master pages are built on) have been unlinked (a solid orange line means everything is in sync with the original object). If you place your mouse over the shape layer's names until a tooltip appears you will see that Fill is one of the unlinked attributes. The question is how did you get to this point. Some action have unlinked them.

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Thanks for the reply MEB and the concise explanation

42 minutes ago, MEB said:

The question is how did you get to this point. Some action have unlinked them.

A good question indeed, I'll have another go at creating a similar layout and see if I can twig what's gone wrong in my method, as I have not wittingly unlinked any aspect ( I'm not sure I would even know how to :/ )  As you can see from my earliest post the issue appears to be a common one, even though as far as I can remember the layout was constructed initially on the Master page and then applied to the content pages with no other action from my point of view.





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I removed the failed links to the Master page and reapplied them and saved as a new document apart from adding a couple of rounded rectangles and checking the global colour function I haven't altered anything. However as you can see from the video the layers panel is now reporting unlinked attributes again... the difference this time is if I edit the global colour it effects all pages.


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6 hours ago, MEB said:

All shapes have a dashed orange line on the left meaning some attributes of the symbols (which is the functionality master pages are built on) have been unlinked (a solid orange line means everything is in sync with the original object). If you place your mouse over the shape layer's names until a tooltip appears you will see that Fill is one of the unlinked attributes. The question is how did you get to this point. Some action have unlinked them. 

I wouldn't have noticed it, it's not really visible on my Windows 7.


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