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In the example above, we see the rendered Unicode U+017F as the long S, but it gives the Spell Checker in AfPub2 v.2.5.2 (Windows) a bit of indigestion:


Is it possible to teach the Spell Checker that there is mapping equivalency; i.e., U+017F = s ?


Hi Kelly, you shouldn't type the long S manually because as you've pointed out it will trigger a spelling error, you should just type a lowercase S and select the appropriate option in the Typography panel. You don't have to do this for each character, just turn it on for all of the relevant text or define it in the paragraph style.

For example, this is EB Garamond 08 Regular. I typed "Census" and selected "Character Variant 1" which converted the "s" to the long S automatically.




This is some pretty exciting news Mike - thank you!

I've been playing around with this whole new part (for me) of the AfPub universe and want to leave a breadcrumb for anybody coming along later, that the Show Typography Panel tool tip was revealed after hovering the mouse cursor over the ellipsis:


The next bit of fun was after changing all instances of the 's' to the typical lowercase as per your suggestion, then selecting the entire bits of text in the text box and seeing the 18th century arcane rules* being correctly applied by simply checking/ ticking the Historical Forms box under Alternate - super nerd cool!!



However, and possibly worth mentioning for the developers, and while all of the text was selected, that after unchecking the Historical Forms box under Alternate, the long S didn't revert back to the more contemporary version of the lowercase s.


* https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2021/12/14/the-long-s/

2 minutes ago, Kelly Bellis said:

that after unchecking the Historical Forms box under Alternate, the long S didn't revert back to the more contemporary version of the lowercase s.

Did you also try unchecking Contextual Alternates?

-- Walt
Designer, Photo, and Publisher V1 and V2 at latest retail and beta releases
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30 minutes ago, Kelly Bellis said:

However, and possibly worth mentioning for the developers, and while all of the text was selected, that after unchecking the Historical Forms box under Alternate, the long S didn't revert back to the more contemporary version of the lowercase s.

What font are you using?

If you were using Historical Forms (hist) initially, then search should have worked.

If you have now also applied the Character Variant, that could override the hist setting.

There could also be an interaction with ligatures - some "historic" fonts will put long s ligatures in Standard Ligatures.

Or it could just be a bug in APub.

So, I would like to take a look inside the font. What is the font? 


Hi Ken,

I was using this font:


Also, I was only playing with these 2 options



Sorry, that this may not be of much help. After playing around further with all of this in existing and new documents, the previously reported behavior isn't always predictable.

Also, the font apparently plays a huge component, which I'm guessing you already know. For example, I tried playing around with Minion Pro and checking both boxes saw things change, but the ancient rule about the regular lowercase s at the ends of words was ignored and instead showed the long s. Unchecking the boxes, all reverted back to the lowercase s


8 hours ago, Kelly Bellis said:

Sorry, that this may not be of much help. After playing around further with all of this in existing and new documents, the previously reported behavior isn't always predictable.

Well, that is not your fault.

This is a bug.
A very annoying bug which has been reported multiple times before.
This appears to be another case where Affinity is actually replacing the character.
Which just #####-up everything.
Search does not work as expected.
Screen readers do not work as expected.
Cut-and-Paste does not work as expected.
And you get a bunch of useless, annoying, incorrect spellcheck noise.

They are not just doing the OpenType substitution as they should be,
but actually changing the Unicode code point.
Similar things have been happening with old legacy ligatures,
And even when there is no OpenType substitution.
Which is really, really stupid.

This is how it should work.
This is a test in LibreOffice of various fonts long s features. (image of the PDF)


Below is a copy-and-paste of the text from that PDF from LibreOffice.
It still shows the correct original text for all fonts.

Long s Tests – LibreOffice (Harfbuzz)

Original Text
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

IM Fell English – (hist+liga)
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

EB Garamond – (hist) – (trailing s should not be changed)
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

EB Garamond 12 – (cv01+liga)
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

Junicode – (ss08+liga+calt)
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

Minion 3 – (hist+liga) – (trailing s should not be changed)
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

Garamond Premier Pro – (hist+liga) – (trailing s should not be changed)
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

Below is an image of the same tests in a PDF from Affinity Publisher 2.5.2.
The tests look the same, but the underlying Unicode is a mess (also below)


Copying that text from the PDF from Affinity Publisher give you this:

Long s Tests – Affinity Publisher 2.5.2

Original Text
First Census Assistant Marshall Massachusetts 
sports, essence, stormy, disheveled, transfusions, slyness, cliffside

IM Fell English – (hist+liga)
Firſt Cenſus Aſſiſtant Marſhall Maſſachuſetts 
ſports, eſſence, ſtormy, diſheveled, tranſfuſions, ſlyneſs, cliffſide

EB Garamond – (hist) – (trailing s should not be changed)
Firſt Cenſuſ Aſſiſtant Marſhall Maſſachuſettſ 
ſportſ, eſſence, ſtormy, diſheveled, tranſfuſionſ, ſlyneſſ, cliffſide

EB Garamond 12 – (cv01+liga)
Firſt Cenſus Aſſſiiſtant Marſhall Maſſſachuſetts 
ſports, eſſſence, ſtormy, diſheveled, tranſfuſiions, ſlyneſs, clifffſiide

Junicode – (ss08+liga+calt)
Firſt Cenſus Aſſiſtant Marſhall Maſſachuſetts 
ſports, eſſence, ſtormy, diſheveled, transfuſions, ſlyneſs, cliffside

Minion 3 – (hist+liga) – (trailing s should not be changed)
Firſt Cenſuſ Aſſiſtant Marſhall Maſſachuſettſ 
ſportſ, eſſence, ſtormy, diſheveled, tranſfuſionſ, ſlyneſſ, cliffſide

Garamond Premier Pro – (hist+liga) – (trailing s should not be changed)
Firſt Cenſuſ Aſſiſtant Marſhall Maſſachuſettſ 
ſportſ, eſſence, ſtormy, diſheveled, tranſfuſionſ, ſlyneſſ, cliffſide


This not the way OpenType is supposed to work. And they should stop doing this.

This is a giant PITA bug.

So unfortunately at this point your only option is to use another application.





I think this could be reported as a bug, since the Questions section is not always followed by staff. 

Affinity Suite 2.5 – Monterey 12.7.5 – MacBookPro 14" 2021 M1 Pro 16Go/1To

I apologise for any approximations in my English. It is not my mother tongue.

11 hours ago, kenmcd said:

So unfortunately at this point your only option is to use another application.

I very much appreciate your digging into this Ken, and hopefully too, the developers likewise appreciate it. The depth of your understanding of the issue and your sharing it with them is in part what convinces me to stick with Affinity Publisher. Props to you!

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