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Affinity Photo 2 Feedback

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I have a hard time with the naysayers (like we haven't had more than a few in here, too). If we listened to them, we'd be using Paint and loving it. I may not be one of the most experienced Photo users, but I can say that it fulfills my needs. I'm even getting familiar with Designer. Now that's something I thought I'd never see a use for.

Oh well. Use the tools you know best.

(I wan'ed to wri'e this wi'h no 's, bu' I jus' couldn' do i'.)

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Please note I have hidden a few recent posts in this thread as they are against our Guidelines (specifically point 1) here on the Affinity Forums.

We appreciate any and all constructive feedback that our users have for the Affinity apps as it continues to help us to improve and update the suite - no matter how small or trivial the feedback may seem to some.

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I agree with Red Sands's view of some of the algorithms.  Lightroom's RAW editor is more effective in some of the exposure-oriented elements. 

I also tried editing some photos in the Photo persona of Affinity Publisher. It didn't do a very good job of lifting the exposure; it managed better when I was able to open Photo proper in the Develop persona, though.   

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