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I have been trying to process m27, 30 frames LRGB. Tried different settings and for some reason the program is confusing smaller dimmer stars as hot pixels. I have holes in the nebulae where there were stars that were removed. This doesn't happen with PixInsight or APP. Suggestions.

Thanks so much






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  • Staff

Hi @Atikguy, there are a couple of things to mention with the example file you've provided. The issue isn't with stars or hot pixels, which is reassuring as the actual stacking appears to be fine.

  • The primary issue appears to be with your luminosity layer (Lum). I'm not sure if this is an isolated issue as I currently can't reproduce it on any other documents, but there seems to be a rendering problem because the layer isn't fully opaque. Alpha values, if mapped to 0-255, are in the region of 240-252, so no pixels appear to be fully opaque. How did you create the Luminosity layer, was it just via Photo's astrophotography stacking? Did you do anything to the layer, like physically modify it with tools/filters, that may have altered alpha values?
  • As a workaround while we try and understand the issue better, you can clip any kind of layer into your Lum layer—this will change the rendering path and make it display correctly. As an example, you could add a new Pixel layer or adjustment layer (e.g. Levels), then click-drag it over the Lum layer's text/label and release the mouse button. You should instantly see the difference. Don't forget to hide/delete your merged pixel layer at the top otherwise you won't see any difference.
  • The other thing is that your document colour profile is set to "OMEN 25 by HP", which I presume is your display? Ideally you should convert to sRGB (or another device profile like ROMM RGB/Adobe RGB) to avoid colour management issues when you export further into the process. Always avoid using a display profile as your document's colour profile.

Thanks and hope the above helps.

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Thanks again for the input. Got the files uploaded. I use one set of darks for the Red and Green since they are both the same time and temp just so you know. 




How did you create the Luminosity layer, was it just via Photo's astrophotography stacking? 

The Lum files are done via Photo's astrophotography stacking. The filter used for this is the CLS-CCD filter from astronomik. This pass is from 450 to 520nm and 640 to 690nm. I didn't do anything to the layer, no modifications of any kind. color profile has been changed to sRGB. 

" you could add a new Pixel layer or adjustment layer (e.g. Levels), then click-drag it over the Lum layer's text/label and release the mouse button"

This doesn't seem to work at all. stars don't line up. it's blue/green and no response from remove background. 


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