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Please respond to fontba.se about the implementation of autoactivation and deactivation of fonts like with Adobe range

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fontba.se is one of the best font managers out there right now for Windows. It features the autoactivation and -deactivation of fonts with Adobe products. Meaning: if you load a file, any missing font that is available will automatically be activated, and after closing the file will get deactivated. That way a lot of clutter in the list of fonts can be avoided, while there is no need to go and manually activate fonts or keep them active for a good workflow.

Man fontba.se users who have switched from Adobe to Affinity have requested this feature and our voice has been heard at fontba.se. They do need the necessary information from Serif to get this working. That would be much appreciated by many happy Affinity-Users like me. :)

Have a look here: https://feedback.userreport.com/7e58f94a-7a14-4316-9600-a5cae914a58a/#idea/215765/comments

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I don't know anything about this. I'm not really into being tagged into feature request threads I'm not following, especially 3 glasses of wine in on a Saturday evening.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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On 7/3/2021 at 11:45 PM, Patrick Connor said:

I don't know anything about this. I'm not really into being tagged into feature request threads I'm not following, especially 3 glasses of wine in on a Saturday evening.

Hehe, sorry, you were the first name that came to mind, I didn't think anything else of it. 😁

I'm not sure who to tag here, but I feel like these requests don't get proper closure. This feature request is not exactly new, there are at least four different threads on the forum about font management and specifically missing auto-activation (through interacting with/integrating third party apps).

I feel that the issue is being treated somewhat shoddily, and maybe I'm wrong, but no staff member has ever commented on it.
After all, the question has been unanswered since 2018 – maybe you can forward the topic to the person in charge or give me the right name to tag? 😜

Cheers and thanks



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  • Staff
1 hour ago, MrDoodlezz said:

no staff member has ever commented on it

As is normal in feature request threads. They are read by development mostly without comment

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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2 hours ago, Patrick Connor said:

They are read by development mostly without comment

All right. That might be efficient and I can understand that it is not possible to comment or give information on all topics at all times.

Nevertheless, after a few years and several threads repeating the same old question, it leaves users waiting for any sign of their concerns being looked at with a sense of indifference or ignorance on the part of the developers.

Just some user perspective and light venting/feedback from a day one user of the products and long time member of the forum. 😉



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