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a problem with Text styles

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Good evening,

I bought affinity Designer around 2 months ago with my girlfriend- meaning we both bought it on separate devices. Today we talked about text styles, and she told me about text styles I had never seen before. She has way more text styles than me and since she did never download any text styles from other platforms I wondered if I'd missed something on affinity designer. She for sure never downloaded any Text styles from other programs and is able to use for example '' Agency Fb, Algerian, Bauhaus 93''. I would be happy if someone can help me :)

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So by text styles you mean fonts?

iMac 27" 2019 Sequoia 15.0 (24A335), iMac 27" Affinity Designer, Photo & Publisher V1 & V2, Adobe, Inkscape, Vectorstyler, Blender, C4D, Sketchup + more... XP-Pen Artist-22E, - iPad Pro 12.9  
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29 minutes ago, >Florian< said:

Good evening,

I bought affinity Designer around 2 months ago with my girlfriend- meaning we both bought it on separate devices. Today we talked about text styles, and she told me about text styles I had never seen before. She has way more text styles than me and since she did never download any text styles from other platforms I wondered if I'd missed something on affinity designer. She for sure never downloaded any Text styles from other programs and is able to use for example '' Agency Fb, Algerian, Bauhaus 93''. I would be happy if someone can help me :)

You are talking about Fonts, (as firstdefence asked) many programs/applications have bundled fonts (Affinity doesn't) which get installed along with the application. So unless you and your friend have the exact same applications you could well have different fonts available. I run Mac OS and my fonts are in two main areas, in my system folders and my User folders.


In Windows this will be different. Which OS are you using?

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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1 minute ago, >Florian< said:

yes, i knew there is a better word ;)

Having different computers and probably different software on each one will give you different font choices up and above the system fonts that are installed as part of the Operating System.

iMac 27" 2019 Sequoia 15.0 (24A335), iMac 27" Affinity Designer, Photo & Publisher V1 & V2, Adobe, Inkscape, Vectorstyler, Blender, C4D, Sketchup + more... XP-Pen Artist-22E, - iPad Pro 12.9  
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Affinity Help - Affinity Desktop Tutorials - Feedback - FAQ - most asked questions

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