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I have a problem when I try to load a certain file:

This file crashes to desktop which never happened before updating to 1.8
My friend is able to open and save it successfully from another remote computer but he is unable to scroll beyond page 1 and half.
Many other similar files are okay.
I have recently installed Designer and he has installed Photo in case that is causing some sort of conflict.
We've tried renaming and resaving and even as a template but with no joy.
Can anybody help with any suggestions? What is wrong with this file.




Ok. My friend and I seem to have solved this now.
It's not an issue with the file but there was some kind of caching issue after a version update which caused our computers to confuse each other.


And a further update.

We are both getting fewer crashes now but both of us are experience the strange locking up whereby we cannot get beyond page one.
Other files behave normally.
Can anybody help?


Sorry Dan,

Try this one:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/694y2kqtu0de2qo/Factions - Backup.afpub?dl=0

However, further inspection reveals it may not be the file that's responsible.

I am now getting really strange things happening.
This, and another file are causing me crashes sometimes, and sometimes the 'can't get beyond the first page' problem.
Sometimes the first page problem only applies to my art tablet, and sometimes the whole computer.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the whole Affinity suite and even running just Publisher I still get this problem.
Is there a problem with version 1.8 running on Windows 10 update 1909?




I am the other person who is affected to this. I have to say that this is very unfortunate situation, as I have had also major glitches now with the 1.80 and no problems at all before it.
I can now access older version (from Dropbox) of the Factions file and that works. But with the version that Tony had updated Affinity still crashes or opens so that I can only access 1.5 of the first cards.

This is *very* big problem for us as we have moved all production to Publisher and have considered it to be stable. Now if it is so that only one of us can use ever a given file, that is not really possible solution. is there a method of having the 1.7 version back? And reverting the files to 1.7x too? It seems that all problems started with 1.8 and it adding something that the older files can't cope. 


And yes, I can also verify that on the newer versions of Factions file (this) I still have access to only 1.5 of first pages. That is totally bonkers, of course.

The same file, but earlier edition of (here) works on my computer, but not on Tony's. 

We tried a few others, too. And it seems that files that Tony edited since 1.8 transition are affected with either;

  1. causing Publisher to crash on my or Tony's (or both). I was able to "fix" my Publisher crashing on every file load by rebooting Windows. But then it only changed to 2 (= file is accessible only partially)
  2. causing the 1.5 first pages only to be accessible (happened on more than one file)
  3. or total freeze of Windows (happened twice so far), when problematic file has been open in 1.8 Publisher in state 2. Massive memory leak?

I'd very much like us to be able to go back to 1.7x Publisher and find means to revert our files to older format... or if that is difficult I can always take older versions of Dropbox and just use those. But when on a timeline as we are, this sort of major changes to file formats and dropping backward compatibility are not something you do without informing customers well, clear and asking person installing that "Are you really sure". We did not see anything but "would you like to update"? 

I have scanned the computer for viruses. Nothing. I have updated Windows (Tony did the same too) to W10 1909. No help. 

NOTE: When Tony accesses the 'working' version of Factions file HIS Publisher crashes. And we were both able to use this just on Friday.


We also tested the same files with Mac. All the files that crash my or Tony Windows Publisher 1.80 works nicely after Mac Publisher was updated to 1.81.

I'm very confident that Windows 1.80 Publisher is having some massive bug. Any file that Tony has edited with his 1.80 will cause one of the three problems I listed.

Similarly, any file that I have updated with my 1.80 will cause Tonys Publisher to crash.

This is really bad.


No crashing here on Mac. Scroll from top to bottom.

Only hassle is the missing resources and the missing font.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.


Guys, I can not stress the importance of fixing this. Serif, what is going on? No replies, not even instructions how to downgrade.

This is very alarming.


@multis - My sincerest apologies for the delayed response, due to the release of version 1.8 we have been somewhat inundated with tickets and this means our response time is a little longer than normal. Equally,  this issue is more complicated than most and this can extend the response time also, as it requires multiple teams involvement, so I must ask for your patience and understanding here.

On 3/2/2020 at 12:16 PM, multis said:

is there a method of having the 1.7 version back? And reverting the files to 1.7x too?

There's the possibility of rolling back to a previous version of the app, depending on where it was purchased from. Did you purchase the Affinity app from the Affinity Store or the Microsoft store?

Once files have been saved in a later version however, there is no way to 'roll back' that file to a previous version, as far as I know.

On 3/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, multis said:

I can also verify that on the newer versions of Factions file (this) I still have access to only 1.5 of first pages. That is totally bonkers, of course.

The same file, but earlier edition of (here) works on my computer, but not on Tony's. 

I've tested both these files on Windows, and I too can  only access the first 1.5 pages of the document - this isn't something I've seen previously and I cannot currently confirm the reason for this, so I've logged your files with our developers as a bug for further investigation.

In the meantime, it's possible to recover the file easily, firstly you can temporarily workaround this issue by disabling Clip to Canvas. Navigate to View>View Mode>Clip to Canvas, once this setting has been disabled, you'll be able to scroll through your document once more.

Secondly, to fix your file on a more permanent basis, you can merge the 'problem document' into a new document and the issue is no longer present. To do this, create a New Document using the same size,colour & bleed settings, then navigate to the Pages Studio. Right click on Page 1 and select Add Pages From File..., browse to find your document, then click OK. You should find all pages & elements of your document are imported, and you can scroll to any page you choose, as expected.

On 3/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, multis said:

causing Publisher to crash on my or Tony's (or both). I was able to "fix" my Publisher crashing on every file load by rebooting Windows. But then it only changed to 2 (= file is accessible only partially)

I haven't seen this behaviour with any files you've provided on Mac or Windows unfortunately.

On 3/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, multis said:

causing the 1.5 first pages only to be accessible (happened on more than one file)

As confirmed above, I'm seeing this issue with the 2 versions of the file you've provided - are there other files also affected by this?

When loading the document on Tonys computer, what changes (if any) are made to the document before saving this? Are you saving to a local location, or a cloud/network location with these files?

On 3/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, multis said:

or total freeze of Windows (happened twice so far), when problematic file has been open in 1.8 Publisher in state 2. Massive memory leak?

This too is behaviour I haven't experienced, I'm running the latest version of Windows and with both versions of your file opened in Publisher 1.8 I'm seeing around 2.5GB of memory usage and no crashing/stuttering of Windows. Does this happen at any particular part of your workflow? (ie when opening the file, when adding content or making changes?)

On 3/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, multis said:

this sort of major changes to file formats and dropping backward compatibility are not something you do without informing customers

The update to version 1.8 hasn't dropped backwards compatibility for any files, this (AFAIK) has never been done during an Affinity update. As the file format is shared between each of our applications, any change in Designer or Photo may affect Publisher documents - and we do our best to minimise any effect to our customers during this process, however bugs are unfortunately inevitable and the issue raised here certainly isn't a widespread bug affecting many users. Not that I wish to belittle the issues you're experiencing, as I'm certain they're causing distress in your workflow, I simply wanted to explain our processes.

On 3/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, multis said:

When Tony accesses the 'working' version of Factions file HIS Publisher crashes.

Could you please provide the crash logs from this machine? They can be found at -


Many thanks in advance.


Okay, We bought Publisher directly from you. And woudl appreciate means to roll back immediately. This would at least save one working day for Tony for this week.

I'll provide the crash reports later today and ask Tony to do the same. We want to help you to resolve this, but need to be able to work with 1.7x. All of our Windows licenses would need to be downgraded to avoid problems. 


So. We will get the old file versions from Dropbox. That is not an issue. We have not been able to do much of anything with 1.8 as it constantly crashes.

Thus, we only need link to download 1.7x and instructions how to purge 1.80 away in away that it does not impede using 1.7x.


And then you'd have time to fix 1.80 and we'll revert to it only when it is safe.


While on the mac, Im not having the crashing problem, 1.8 is not opening some files and the others are taking ages to open . Working inside 1.8 has slowed down to a crawl, a simple delation of some text is taking for ever, never had these problems in 1.7 , so I too would like to know how to revert back on the mac.


@chic - I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, could you please create a new post in the bugs section of the forums so our QA team can investigate this for you?

Thanks for providing that link BofG, @multis you will need to uninstall version 1.8 before reinstalling an older version. You may wish to export any custom brushes etc to ensure they are not lost - as this process shouldn't lose any of these settings/files, however we only test this when updating, not downgrading.

Please do let me know when you can provide further crash reports, my apologies once again for any inconveniences caused.

25 minutes ago, Dan C said:

@chic - I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, could you please create a new post in the bugs section of the forums so our QA team can investigate this for you?

Thanks for providing that link BofG, @multis you will need to uninstall version 1.8 before reinstalling an older version. You may wish to export any custom brushes etc to ensure they are not lost - as this process shouldn't lose any of these settings/files, however we only test this when updating, not downgrading.

Please do let me know when you can provide further crash reports, my apologies once again for any inconveniences caused.


26 minutes ago, Dan C said:

@chic - I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, could you please create a new post in the bugs section of the forums so our QA team can investigate this for you?

Thanks for providing that link BofG, @multis you will need to uninstall version 1.8 before reinstalling an older version. You may wish to export any custom brushes etc to ensure they are not lost - as this process shouldn't lose any of these settings/files, however we only test this when updating, not downgrading.

Please do let me know when you can provide further crash reports, my apologies once again for any inconveniences caused.

Thanks for link BofG, but these are for windows , Im looking for the mac installation file

1 hour ago, Dan C said:

Secondly, to fix your file on a more permanent basis, you can merge the 'problem document' into a new document and the issue is no longer present. To do this, create a New Document using the same size,colour & bleed settings, then navigate to the Pages Studio. Right click on Page 1 and select Add Pages From File..., browse to find your document, then click OK. You should find all pages & elements of your document are imported, and you can scroll to any page you choose, as expected.

I can't find this Add Pages from File.... option, having gone back to 1.7.
It only give me Add Pages... and the usual option to add new blank pages.
Is this a new feature in 1.8?

1 hour ago, chic said:


Thanks for link BofG, but these are for windows , Im looking for the mac installation file

Dan C, I reverted back to 1.7.3 and now I can get some work done, however any documents I have created in 1.8.1 will not open, is there a way to revert these documents?

3 hours ago, Tony Cotterill said:

I cannot find the crash reports. I found the folder in appdata/roaming/designer/01/crashreport/crash but there is no report with the date of 2nd March, which is when we had this problem.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe you were having crashing behaviour in Publisher, not Designer - could you please double check the Publisher folder for me?

2 hours ago, Tony Cotterill said:

I can't find this Add Pages from File.... option, having gone back to 1.7...Is this a new feature in 1.8?

This is a new feature for version 1.8, and should only be required in version 1.8 as this is where your file is having trouble displaying all its contents. I believe your document should open as expected in 1.7 and not require this workaround. If not, please try the alternative View>View Mode workaround previously described.


1 hour ago, chic said:

however any documents I have created in 1.8.1 will not open, is there a way to revert these documents?

As mentioned above -

4 hours ago, Dan C said:

Once files have been saved in a later version however, there is no way to 'roll back' that file to a previous version, as far as I know.

This is doubly true for files created in 1.8, these will only ever be 1.8 or higher files, apologies.



On the crash logs, I found some, but latest is from 19th FEB which is clearly not 1.8 version as I installed my 1.8 on 2nd of March.
So it seems that 1.8 does not produce crash dumps. It dies so violently that not even such is done. 

17 hours ago, Dan C said:

If I'm not mistaken, I believe you were having crashing behaviour in Publisher, not Designer - could you please double check the Publisher folder for me?

Sorry, Dan. I meant Publisher. I wrote Designer by mistake. Publisher was where I looked - I don't have Designer installed yet.

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