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It is my experience that PDFs generated by Publisher are significantly larger than those generated by Quark Xpress. This can be an issue in longer documents with many photos.2019 Journal cover.pdf2019 Journal cover.pdf2019 Journal cover.pdf2019 Journal cover.pdf2019 Journal cover.pdf2019 Journal cover.pdf

Is this a fact, or am I doing something wrong? I am attaching two similar examples. The large file is of a Publisher file, the smaller from Quark.

2019 Journal cover.pdf


Please make screenshots from the export dialogue. And I could be wrong, but the Quark PDF seems to have no ICC profile embedded. Exporting from APu without the ICC profile would probably result in the same file size as the Quark PDF.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

12 hours ago, Joachim_L said:

Please make screenshots from the export dialogue. And I could be wrong, but the Quark PDF seems to have no ICC profile embedded. Exporting from APu without the ICC profile would probably result in the same file size as the Quark PDF.

There isn't an embedded profile in either pdf...

16 hours ago, Nivrams said:

It is my experience that PDFs generated by Publisher are significantly larger than those generated by Quark Xpress. ...

The difference is what elements gets turned into a bitmap in the two pdfs. There are more bitmap objects in the APub pdf than the QXP pdf.


Doing an audit is always fun...

I redid the file in an Xara application. The reason why the images line is even less than Q's (which rasterized part of the logo on the front but not the inside/page 2 version for whatever reason) is all is vector with the exceptions being page 2, left side (the frame and ornaments). I also exported text as curves.



It is really remarkable that so many knowledgeable forum members took time to analyze my problem.  It still remains that a 1.7 MB .qxp file becomes a 690 KB PDF, while a 192 KB .afpub file becomes a 5.1 MB PDF. The artwork is virtually identical… done with the same placed images. The original Publisher filer is slimmer than the Quark file. So something besides my execution is at play. I think it's that quark has a superior PDF generator.

Thanks for your help. Much of this was over my head, but I did learn a lot.


Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 10.38.59 PM.png

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