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  1. Irregularity/randomness of brush pattern seems to be fixed on the macro action. The brush pattern always comes out the same like it's copied. I think the random parameter for brush pattern shouldn't be fixed. it should be different each time.
  2. But as we haven't this is the closest. Someone called Beeple, who I can't say I've heard of but he has an instagram account so must be famous!, sold this for $60.25m ($69m after fees), yes that's millions. No, really it is and no it's not April yet. https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/beeple-first-5000-days/beeple-b-1981-1/112924 A bunch of seemingly random photos and digital art. Of course the arty farty types have called it "one of the most unique bodies of work to emerge in the history of digital art." They obviously didn't look too hard as there's some wonderful stuff out there and this isn't one of those. As they say it's who you know not what you know and that seems to be especially true in the art world. Anyway keep plugging on with your designs, get a good agent (or in this case one who performs miracles) who can find people with more money than sense and remember me when you are rich
  3. Can anyone help me how to randomize a bunch of object's position and scale for instance i wanna do a starred background with various position rotation and scale. In AI there is transform each command and you can randomize transform applied on objects. Thank you.
  4. Hey, 1. I want to make a brush of three different images, lets say smileys (one happy, one very happy and one sad). The images do exist. Now when i paint with the brush the appearing smiley should be random how do i do it? 2. Now i want a more complex brush a brush of garden gnomes but this time i want them to differ in thei features randomly. So i have three mouths, 2 beardstyles and 5 hats they should not differ in any other way. Can i get a brush maybe with the subbrush menu that paints a garden gnome with a random combination of these features? All that without me having to create a picture of a gnome for every possible combination first. Do you know whether it is possible in a different program ? Kindest regards and a big thx for your explanations.
  5. Hi All, Sorry, I'm not 100% sure how to properly word this, as I've not nailed down exactly what causes this to occur, but I've had a persistent albeit random issue trying to paint masks. Eventually, after doing a fair mount of painting/switching back and forth between black/white using the keyboard shortcut something happens and AP gets 'stuck'. Once the issue starts, white and black do the same thing and resetting the colors does not fix the issue. If they are stuck in 'hide mode' both colors hide and vice versa. I can save and restart, but the issue persists. However, sometimes, if I manually set the color to white/black the problem goes away, but that is not a guaranteed fix. I did just find that if I set both colors to nothing (red line though the circle) then manually change the slider for each color, one to white and one to black, it seemed to fix the issue. I'm fairly sure I've done that before and it did not fix the issue, but it's late and my memory is slipping. Hopefully someone else can replicate the issue, or tell me why it's happening, and how to never let it happen again System: Window 10 Pro: Version 2004, Build 19041.508 Affinity Photo:
  6. So I want to make a random triangular pattern in photo but so far I haven't found an efficient way of going it. My target is something similar to the below image but the colours are randomly selected within a range. If possible I would also like the overall colour gradient to get darker down the page. (I know this is more of a designer job but I don't have this software at current and I can't find a way to do it in there either) So far I have found that I can create a triangular grid using induvidual triangle shapes made with the pen tool that I've replicated using a horizontal triangular grid (see below) as a guide. I could colour them manually but this would be far too slow. Thanks for any help!
  7. When I save a style, it doesn't get reapplied the same way it was saved. I wouldn't say it's random, but it's certainly not consistent with expectations. It looks like it might be based on the size of the object/layer it is being applied to. For instance, I saved this Bevel/Emboss effect with a Radius of 10 px. It shows pixels as the default measurement, and I chose a pixel radius (important because it does not show a percentage value by default, so it shouldn't apply a percentage value by default). When I apply this style in other places, it's all over the place. It's usually a decimal, 19.1, 15.7, 12.3, 3.1. That leads me to believe it's making bad assumptions based on a percentage of some irrelevant thing. I would expect when I save a value, that value should be applied. In my case, the value I set is the right value in the several places I need to use the style. However, I need to open up the effect and reset the value almost every place I apply it, because Photo arbitrarily changes the value. I've tried this with the "Scale with Object" box checked and unchecked, and it screws with the value either way. If there's a setting to prevent this behavior, I don't know where it is, but I would also call it a bug for this to be set as a default behavior.
  8. Hi all, Is there a way to assign the colors of a custom swatch randomly to a group of vector objects?. Let me explain a little bit more in detail. I have created my custom color palette using Create Palette From Image and a serie of vector objects inside a group. Now, what I would like to do is randomly apply specifically those colors from that palette to the objects inside the group. I hope this makes sense. Cheers, Juan
  9. Hi, this is the issue, i align my stuff, place the objects wherever i want and so far so good, but, sometimes when i select an object it moves slightly to any direction, and i have to undo that transform since i didn't ask for that, it happens randomly and in all the documents i've worked so far.
  10. Hello, I was creating of set of cartoon clouds in Designer using the non-destructive object merge feature (awesome! and a huge time saver), however after a number of them were produced, I wanted to keep the "pressure" outline effect on them, however I did not want all of them to look the same to maintain the freehand look. With all the time-saving features in Designer, I hit a speedbump when it came to adding the pressure with the curves adding nodes in the palette as I had to select every cloud individually to "randomize" them manually. I would guess 99% of the time manual tweak is preferable but in cases like my cloud drawing task, a "dice-like" randomize curves feature could be very cool. Hopefully my screenshot better explains what I am describing. Would this be difficult to implement? Thank you
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