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Found 16 results

  1. We've been getting reports from customers who are experiencing issues loading documents into Affinity V2 apps since updating to macOS Sonoma. When opening existing documents into Affinity V2 users are shown "Loading 1 Document" in the app's Toolbar and it appears to remain loading for sometime - customer's have reported instances of the app taking up to an hour for the document to fully load but subsequent documents appear to load normally. We have not been able to replicate this internally but we are actively investigating. This issue could be related to documents synced via iCloud and possibly other cloud providers. Users on the Apple Community pages are reporting that after updating to macOS Sonoma they've noticed that Sonoma is updating file attributes for all files synced to iCloud. If you're currently experiencing this issue, you can simply keep the app open until the document loads and you should find that subsequent documents will open and load normally. if you continue to experience this issue or you're certain you're not using any form of cloud syncing such as iCloud, please start a new thread in the Bugs section and provide as much information as possible including the following: Previous macOS version before upgrading to macOS Sonoma Affinity V2 app version Name of any Antivirus/Malware/Adware apps installed Location of document(s) e.g Desktop, USB Drive, NAS Drive Name of any cloud sync and backup services installed &/or running on the machine e.g iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive etc.. Is Store in iCloud enabled in System Settings > General > Storage?
  2. I have looked through the forums, the support pages, and watched a couple YouTube videos, but I haven't found the best method of accomplishing my task. In summary, I want to take a .jpeg image, and cut out the background of spaces outside the image, and inside the image. Then I want to export to SVG. I want the background of all the spots I've cutout to be transparent. With the methods listed below, my image cutouts are not transparent on the exported SVG. My image is a case. sample.afdesign is attached. I am using Affinity Designer V2 at the moment because I found the most documentation and methods around using this software. The methods I have found and tried are. using the pen tool to draw around the case, give the curve a fill, and then from the layer drop down I made it an erase layer. Visually it looks to do the job, but the exported SVG does not show that area cut out. I tried the Pixel Persona selection brush tool to select the portions of the background that differed from the black of the case. That seemed to work well until I got to the portions of the image where the background was very similar to the case. I had to touch up the edges / stroke with the eraser brush to remove the boarder. I found that I can use the pen tool to make a shape of a section that I want to cut out, choose invert selection to get the piece I want, but I am not sure what to do with it from there. From what I am reading, I feel like a need a method of making the shape of the area I want to cut out, make a mask, then delete the mask. Or flatten the mask and the image I am working with. I don't completely understand the usage of a mask, so I am trying to figure that out as well. If it helps, in the past I used fireworks to accomplish the task with the pen tool, converting that to a marquee, cutting out whatever was within the marquee, and making another shape. I refuse to go back to that. I bought the whole Affinity suite, so if another tools is more efficient I can go that route as well. Thanks in advance for any help. sample.afdesign
  3. Hi... I Paid Subscription of Affinity Designer V1 only i would like to know when i pay for an Upgrade of 25% off the sale price of the V2 Universal Licence... AM I GOING TO GET ACCESS ALL V2 APPS ? or its Only V1 Paid Affinity Design will be Upgrades to V2?
  4. Hello, When I open the psd smart file below, I got error directly in the app opening: Unknown property : EffectGradientFill,gs99 Unknown property : AdjustmentGradientFill,gradientsInterpolationMethod Unknown property : EffectGradientFill,gs99 It causes the texture of the background (which uses pattern) missing. Can you fix it so that it acts normally like in photoshop, please? My computer: Apple M1 Max MacOS 14.3 (23D56) App version: Affinity Photo 2.3.1 thirt-mockup-for-bug-report.psd
  5. Here are my two attempts at the "Reflected Skyline" illustration project from the Affinity Designer Workbook. Hope you guys enjoy! Any feedback is much appreciated V1: V2:
  6. Tech specs: System: Windows 11 Pro (22H2) Memory: 32GB DDR4 Hello gamers, yesterday I got prompted about an update when opening Designer 2, so I went on the Affinity website and downloaded the 2.2 installers for Designer, Photo and Publisher. After installing all three, I went and opened Designer 2 again from my Start menu. Another pop-up, telling me 2.2 is now out and if I want to download it. "That's odd, didn't I just install that?" I check version of Designer and sure enough it's still on 2.1. Weird. So I close Designer and open the installer again: Okay. "Maybe a faulty update?" I press reinstall, it's done almost instantanously. Pressing the Launch button, I finally boot into Designer 2.2. So I went ahead and just to make used Reinstall with the other two installers too. Today I open Photo via Start menu and get greeted by the familiar update notice yet again. You can probably tell by now: Opening Affinity software over my Start menu pins opens 2.1, while opening over the installer opens 2.2. So I had a look: Installed apps: Start menu (with my pins): Start menu > All apps: I am not too sure what is going on, but I can't even inspect the location of the 2.2 installations. Got some information out of it by looking at the Designer 2.2 task: Whereas my Affinity 2 installation is under the default location: Is there some kind of conflict with new W11 features or something? That would be my first guess. Anyway, I would happy to resolve this. Having 2 installations/instances hovering around isn't very pretty. 😛
  7. Hello I just wanted to make a clean thread asking for backward compatible files between v2 and v1 of programs. I didn't had any reason to need it till now but now I do notice what a big problem it is. First of all now that the summer time that I have most of my workload I did noticed problems with designer v2 performance and I wished to move back on v1 till it is fixed, but nope. I can't open v2 files, I need to do workarounds with sketchy imports. Second, I wanted to work on my macbook from home so I tried to get the designer v2 trial there to see what's up, but nope OS not supported so it can only use v1. But I use v2 on workstation and this is another roadblock. So yeah dear Serif, please we need backward compatibility. It is understandable that there is tools that are simple not available on v1 but this can be bypassed by automatically converting to curves whatever is not gonna work and display a warning of losing the editability of some objects if the file is saved with the older program version. Thanks
  8. I have this problem with all of my Affinity software. I make a project in V2 and save it to my computer (Windows), then in my computer files it is saved as V1 and tries to open with Affinity V1 (which it always fails to do). I've looked in my settings and preferences and I'm unsure what is causing this to happen. It means that I can only open my files by first opening a V2 program and searching for the file within the program (i.e. Open > Pick the file). It's causing a bit of an efficiency problem for me. I can only think it might be because I still have the V1 version of Affinity suite on the laptop that I'm using. Will I have to delete the V1 suite or is there a setting option I'm missing?
  9. In this Affinity Photo V2 tutorial iPad version, I create a colorful graphic using power duplicate, blend modes, FX, adjustments and more. I also did an iPad version that you can find on my Youtube Page. https://youtu.be/3iBa4Gz5dGM
  10. In this Affinity Photo V2 tutorial Desktop version, I create a colorful graphic using power duplicate, blend modes, FX, adjustments and more. I also did an iPad version that you can find on my Youtube Page. https://youtu.be/sTZg84tGBl0
  11. In version Affinity design 1, the grouping of shapes was drawn in the group icon. Now in version Affinity design 2, we see that a folder as an image is not practical, unless you change the name of the group each time. Do you think it will come back as in version 1? You can see the difference in the files t attach. Thank you for your reply.
  12. Ich habe in Affinity Publisher 2 ein Buch erstellt, das hab ich immer als Broschüre ausgedruckt. Hat bis jetzt auch immer super funktioniert, aber jetzt hab ich das Problem, dass das Druckdialogfenster sich nicht öffnet. Habe ein Mac und egal ob ich auf Datei und dann Drucken gehe oder Command P, das Fenster will sich einfach nicht öffnen. Ich weiß nicht ob ich was verstellt habe, es will auch bei neu erstellten Sachen nicht klappen und es ist nicht nur beim Publisher sondern auch beim Designer & Photo so. Habe die Version 2.0.4 vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen.
  13. I just picked up Affinity V2. I’ve been using V1 for a bit. But I’m seeing my stacked data showing a double image in Affinity V2. I did a stack of the identical data and in fact an even greater sample size in Deep Sky Stacker current rev which showed no artifact. Is there a new setting I’m missing in V2. Thanks in advance and please feel free to move this post if needed. I hope the image added below links. DSS (bottom)shows no ghost as seen in affinity V2 (top). I have now shot a handful of added image data sets the error is consistent. Windows 11 Affinity V2 2.0.4 Dell Workstation 2450 versus Deep Sky Stacker 4.2.6
  14. Hello, very satisfied with the update to version 2 of the Affinity suite... despite having purchased version 1 of the suite at the end of May 2022!... I'm running macOS Monterey 12.6.1 on mac Mini M1 16 GB. I haven't encountered any problems with this recent update so far. I allow myself this topic concerning the management of studio presets in the three software. For each software, and for each Persona, I created specific studios allowing me to find identical palettes and tools in the same places on my screen (an old habit with Adobe). My intention: I intend to reinstall macOS Monterey (macOS ventura is not going to bring me much and it is still too young and full of inconsistencies and gaps...), in Clean Install in order to start again on a good base (annual cleaning). Question 1: how can I be sure that I will find all my interfaces by reinstalling the three software programs in the suite?... Question 2: is it enough for me to replace a previously made backup of the 3 preference files (com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner2.plist - com.seriflabs.affinityphoto2.plist - com.seriflabs.affinitypublisher2.plist) as well as the 3 folders located in Home –> Library –> Application Support (Affinity Designer 2 - Affinity Photo 2 - Affinity Publisher 2) to find my interfaces and studio presets?... Question 3: by opening with a text editor the 3 preference files (com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner2.plist - com.seriflabs.affinityphoto2.plist - com.seriflabs.affinitypublisher2.plist), I was able to find references to the studio presets that I created for each software (see screenshot below): should we and can we copy these lines of specific code in the 3 new preference files created after the reinstallation of the suite for, finally, find my studio presets?... Thank you for your insights and good luck to you...
  15. Hallo, ich teste gerade die Version 2 von Affinity Photo. Bei der Einbindung von Plugins in V2 sind die Button "Einfügen" und "Entfernen nicht zu sehen. Die erste Einbindung hat geklappt. Eine zweite Einbindung - Installation ist nicht möglich weil sie nicht mehr angezeigt werden. Ich schicke mal Screenshots mit. Affinity 1.10.6 Affinity V2
  16. Does v2 support rtl? If not teher is any chance to get it in future updates??
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