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  1. Hi i got the apple motion app and im struggling to find out how to import vector files into the motion app vekpo isn't support affinity files and also svg/pdf files
  2. Does v2 support rtl? If not teher is any chance to get it in future updates??
  3. im using affinity designer and photo on my my macs and when i check fot update on both of them its says version 1.10.5 is the newest version available how do i get V2?? should i buy new licensees???
  4. @GarryP @GarryP I wanna know how to create embedded layer like mockup one that I will be able to change the photo in it but to keeg the perspective and blend mode
  5. There os a selection to Vector tool yet in the newest Affinity Designer for mac os?
  6. @GarryP I look up for this brush because i got some walls pic that i wanna make some digital graffiti on
  7. If someone know brushes like this one down here we (with the black edges) I would like to know I would also like to know about any other brush that can be useful for graffiti style lettering
  8. hey how can i get back the hsl color wheel in the 'color' button on the studio like it was in previous vers of the softwere
  9. I tried yesterday to export a designe for my client its made with pen tool and few brush layers with blend mode set to Erase. When I tried to export it as pdf/svg transparent background ( that was already set on the document setup) Its not work and its export with white background and the erase layers was also visible (and not erased nothing) Even if I tried to ⌘+A>Export>svg/pdf>selection without background its not worked Its work fine only when I tried to export it as a png transparent I'm really need help because its for a client and the time is a little bit short Thank🦋❤️🦋
  10. @MEB Thanks a lot!! Its working now Two things there is any way that I can make the space between images in pattern on AP? 2 On AD 1.9 on my Macbook air 11.1 the non fill button is really small and on my imac ( AD 1.9 os 10.11.6) the button is perfect sized
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