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  1. Dear Forum, when i use HSL adjustments, i mostly got the whole colorwheel but sometimes, and i do not know why, just that quarterwheel for a single color (like blue in this example) an someone explain how i come back to the whole color wheel? tnx stefan
  2. Occasionally the window if the HSL shift adjustment shows defective, see screenshot.
  3. Since the beginning I have this random display bug. Very annoying because I use a lot TSI dialog box. Restarting the app only works temporarily. Anyone else?
  4. Hi, HSL adjustment window doesn't show circle color wheel. Suddenly, it just shows like this.
  5. From time to time, I would say once in a day or once in two days, HLS tool interface partly disappears. So I cannot use the tool at all. Backs to normal after restarting the app. Not a big thing, but it makes me close my work and restart the app, which is a bit of annoying thing to do in a middle of a working process. Please see the files attached. I'm using Mac OS 13.1 on MacBook Pro 16 M1 Max. Editing 50 megapixel 8-bit tiffs from Capture One. Dual monitor setup. Affinity Photo 2 version 2.0.4
  6. Hallo! Wenn ich über das Ebenen-Panel eine HSL-Anpassung aufrufe, zeigt sich manchmal das volle Farbrad, manchmal nur 1/4-Farbrad, ohne dass ich erkenne, wovon diese Einstellung abhängt. Mit dem 1/4-Farbrad kann ich nicht viel anfangen. Wie kann ich dann auf ein volles Farbrad wechseln? Ich wäre froh über einen Hinweis Andreas
  7. Nicht nachvollzieh- aber reproduzierbar. Auswahl auf Pixelebene erstellt, HSL-Einstellebene aufrufen. Diese wird dann mit der "built-in Maske" erzeugt. Der Einstelldialog der Ebene erscheint dann so. HSL-Ebene erzeugen ohne Auswahl zeigt eine normale Darstellung. Bug oder Absicht? Mac OS 12 iMac 27"
  8. Hey there, I have a problem with HSL layers. While using the program AP V2 it often happens that after a while the HSL Panel doesn’t work correct anymore. It doesn’t show the whole color circle, instead only a quarter of it and I can’t choose single colors anymore. It can only be fixed by restarting AP V2. Had the same problem with AP V1 on my Mac, therefore I made a clean system install for AP V2. Problem appeared on Mac OS Mojave with AP V1 and Mac OS Big Sur (clean install) with AP V2. Any ideas ?
  9. I am using Affinity Photo 2 on a MacBook Pro with an attached BENQ monitor attached. After using the HSL Adjusment one time and then using it a susequent time the HSL Adjustment panel appears as shown above on the BENQ monitor. If I drag the panel to the MacBook Pro monitor and back to the BENQ monitor the panel is displayed correctly as shown below. This occured in Affinity Photo v.1.10.5 as well. I was hoping it would be corrected in Photo v.2.
  10. Window HSL adjustment on Mac, in Mojave appears sometimes bad - see bellow
  11. Hi, There is a problem with my HSL. It doesn't look like it is supposed to. I can't see all the colours as you can see in the image. HSL is usually showing in a form of circle but I have only one quarter of the circle. Thanks for helping, Lauriane
  12. Hello, I have a persistent bug with the display of the color wheel in HSL Adjustment in Affinity Photo on Mac. The wheel displays and works normally at first. But after working and opening this adjustment module for a couple of times, suddenly only 1/4 of the wheel is displayed and most color slots are not accessible. Only a hard restart of the app will fix this for a while, but then again this but appears anew. This issue started about a year ago for me. Since then I hoped a new version would fix this. But as it has not been the case, I better report it. My computer: macOS Big Sur, v 11.1 (20C69) MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2 GB
  13. I'm new to Affinity photo, and more in depth photo editing entirely for that matter. I'm having an issue with the HSL adjustment not showing the full wheel, only the blue spectrum quarter (see the attached image). I've tried applying the layer from the different menus and always have the same problem and cannot find a way to change the HSL adjustment window layout. Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated (I'm running Affinity photo on a Mac, if that makes any difference)! Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 16.42.05.jp2
  14. This is what I'm referring to: This has been an annoying "feature" of many releases of Affinity Photo for Mac now. I believe I was told at one time that this was due to my not running the most recent version of macOS. Now that I have the time to upgrade to macOS 10.15 Catalina, I'm wondering whether this bug has since migrated to Catalina. I'm still on macOS 10.14.6 Mojave.
  15. In some photos that I edit and do an HSL adjustment the panel only shows 1/2 of the half wheel and can only do master adjustments. Other photos I can see the half wheel and can do all the adjustments. I can't figure out what is causing the wheel change between photos.
  16. Hi! As I am getting familiar with the app and working through your Photo Work Book, I discovered a bug in the HSL-panel: When I open it the second time or after, the color wheel isn't displayed correctly. I can see only the upper left quarter and parts of the color field pickers (see attached screen shot). When I close the app and restart it again, the HSL panel is displayed correctly when I open it for the first time, but the bug comes up after opening the second time.
  17. Sometimes, the HSL adjustment panel (ie. the window to configure an HSL adjustment window) has the colour wheel and swatches mis-scaled, so only a quarter of it is visible. (Random guess: maybe it's presuming it's running on a retina screen?) This panel isn't adjustable, so HSL is unusable in these circumstances until Affinity Photo is restarted. I'm running Affinity Photo 1.9.0 on macOS 10.14.6, but I've seen this issue on 1.8.6 before too.
  18. MacOS Monterey, Open GL, Metal enabled: The colour wheel frequently appears as the attached when I use Publisher on a Huion Kamvas. Dragging it on to the main screen and back to the second screen fixes it. Cheers
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