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  1. Pleas would be possible to make better Designer - in one dokument set different bleed for each Artboard?
  2. Without this feature is not possible do zig zag leaflets (more pages) and covers with flaps. Why I can not set by visit card for example bleed 3 mm and by poster 8 mm in one document?
  3. Thanks. We have not this problem with other e-mail address at present. If we would, we will contact affinity@serif.com
  4. In our publishing house we would like buy AF Designer for more workplaces. The licence is then bound with work e-mail and the name of certain worker. What should we then do when this person will go out of our firm and on this place will work another person with other e-mail address? Thanks
  5. Yes reset studio helped me. Thanks I only opened PDF file and then tried Preflight.
  6. Preflight window appears bad see bellow...
  7. Hi I am not abble to select and set other effect but Gaussian Blur. When is for example selected Gradient Overlay, stays previous setting here and it is not possible to change it.
  8. It was my mistake Auto Distribute should not be checked, but button right top have to be checked.
  9. In Publisher - when I need to distribute some objects with for example 1 mm space, I have to do it manualy, because this option does not work on mac.
  10. Still in AfDesigner miss option to set different bleed for each Artboard. Export cig cag leaflets is not possible. (only without bleed)
  11. When I do covers for books, is not possible to export Artboards or Spreads with a bleed in Designer. Publisher is missing feature set more pages side by side - this is not the solution too. This is file in Designer - bleed is not showed, but objects are with bleed. This is bad export without bleed. This is correct export from InDesign. Could you please add this feature? I see it as very useful. it does not matther if in Designer or in Publisher.
  12. When I do covers for books, is not possible to export Artboards or Spreads with a bleed in Designer. Publisher is missing feature set more pages side by side - this is not the solution too. This is file in Designer - bleed is not showed, but objects are with bleed. This is bad export without bleed. This is correct export from InDesign. Could you please add this feature? I see it as very useful. it does not matther if in Designer or in Publisher.
  13. Yes thanks, similar effect is one thing, but for production purpose is this feature missing.
  14. I have book with images where is one color black and second spot color Pantone. Is it possible manage it in AffPhoto? In chanels appears only all colors separated to CMYK.
  15. Hi, it is in Regular mode and I use second DELL monitor 27¨, native screen resolution. My computer is
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