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Found 9 results

  1. This time some Fire Styles (a few of them have transparency, though most do not) for those who might have a use for these things. - [NOTE: that these styles work best when used on very dark (preferable deep black) backgrounds!] The compressed AD styles file ... Fire styles.zip
  2. Another of my recent works. I enjoy doing realistic pieces and this one I really enjoyed doing. It's all vector, With afterthought I maybe should have omitted or blurred the reflection of the glass on the table as it probably too 'clear' for a reflection on wood. The reference pic was one from Pixabay and there was also a Wine bottle in the pic but I left it out as I wanted to concentrate on the glasses and fire.
  3. Hi everyone, I just created a tutorial that was requested by several people who bought my 180 Smoke and Cloud Brushes from the Affinity store. In the following tutorial you learn how you can use the smoke brushes to create a fire effect on regular images. Hope you enjoy it! :-) https://www.xresch.com/tutorial-fire-effect-on-images-876/
  4. "Hell hath no fury. . ." seems a nice girl. This got really complicated as it developed - different layers with different blend modes & opacities. The problem with doing something like this is: when you want or need to merge certain layers they never merge as you expect them to; the layers never keep their individual properties but default to the highest setting and then the effect you had is gone. Time to undo and stop playing with fire!
  5. I'm a professional real estate photographer who recently switched from Photoshop. I'm a light processor, but will occasionally replace a sky, ad a fire to a fireplace or put an image onto a tv or movie screen. In Photoshop it involves taking a jpeg of said fill content and dragging it to it's location, sizing it and adding perspective tweaks to fill the space. Could someone describe how to do that in Affinity please? I've attached an example. I'd like to put the football game onto the theater screen. Thank you!
  6. UPDATE: (Solved) Found it. Watched this tutorial: For those newcomers like myself, wait until he gets to the part with the woman, you’ll see how to dim lights, and setup lighting. (STILL NOT SOLVED - getting closer, YouTube, scattered google & affinity forums information slows process) Still searching for torch help, need to make that fire pop in the image below, also I need to know how to get the ends of the fire to look more like “strands of flame” and not that big gumbo of matted clump being shown. Wondering if I can somehow implement this technique: This attached image below is for a game of thrones medieval event this coming up this Tuesday. My vision for the photo: 1) get the orange words to slightly melt off the banner. 2) A portion of a dragons backside showing from the far left screen of the image, as if walking away. 3) the Knight holding the sword, the sword having some kind of fire effect emanating, 4) Ground underneath the Knight, having a scraped crevice, as if he scraped his sword alongside it, before brining it to the battle ready position he now wields it in. Never edited before, only cropping, going to be a long two days, unless some veteran on here responds, and helps shorten my learn curve with direction. ORIGINAL POST: Hello, iPad 10.5 Just created the following image. I’m trying to dim the surrounding area, with a medieval tavern type yellow warm glow, emphasize brightness onto the torch. Also, is there any fire effects or fire filters to make the fire pop out more? As of now the fire looks “matted” on and not natural (free flowing) any ideas? Potential, could it that while I was busy selecting the fire, in the selection persona, I left on an option called “matte” in the context box - could this be the reason for this ugly fire I have going on in the torch? Dear professionals, Please advise. Thank You!
  7. Hi, In diesem Affinity Photo Tutorial zeige ich wie man einer Szene einen feurigen Look verpasst. Dazu werden Flammen hinzugefügt, Rauch und ein roter Lichtschein erstellt. In this Affinity Photo Tutorial, I show you how to create a fiery scene. Therefore I add flames, smoke and a red glow. Ciao Jack YouTube Tutorial
  8. Here is a cropped version of the new header graphic for the band's website. The full header is part of the new "responsive" site design, which will go live in a few days. All the work on the site is being created in AD and AP. I'll post a link to the site once it's live. Cheers!
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