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  1. Hi there, today I’ve created a simple graphic in Affinitydesigner. But while trying to export the graphic to a pdf (no matter wich pdf-export-preset I’ve chosen) AD crashes. After some tests I realized that AD is not able to export the graphic with a text (it’s only a @-sign) – the graphic without the text eports as expected. Any ideas? greetings Karsten
  2. Hi all. Maybe this is too much to ask at this time, and I know I've already mentioned this earlier, but I've been testing Affinity Designer periodically for proper spot colour gradient support (sometimes I miss a beta or two and I may skip the one that finally brings that feature to the table, hence my method). I cobbled up two similar files in Affinity and Illustrator, with gradients from spot colour to spot colour, spot colour to white, and spot colour to 0% opacity spot colour, and exported them to .PDF. For good measure, I also threw in a 50% opacity spot colour as a control swatch. After opening both files on Acrobat Pro and checking the Output [separation] Preview, I was a bit disheartened to see that Affinity still supports flat spot colour transparency only, whereas gradients are all converted/flattened into CMYK. For now, I can accept this omission, and the fact that it may be due to technical limitations in Affinity's engine or something, but I'm obviously expecting much more from it in the future (and that may include Affinity Photo duo/multitone support too, perhaps?), especially for colour-critical work like in logos, where tight budgets for print production more often than not call for the use of spot colours (and, yes, that also includes spot colour gradients). Though this would be fairly easy to correct (especially for simpler artwork) via a small trip through Illustrator before sending my work to the printing shop, I would really love to ditch it altogether from my workflow, and this would be yet another proverbial nail in its coffin. Can you comment on the feasibility of such a feature and maybe give us a rough ETA? Thanks guys. Once again, kudos for your great work! Pantone test.afdesign Pantone Test-AD.pdf Pantone Test-AI.pdf
  3. Hello, I need to send large vector images (9ft high x 4ft wide) to a printer. I export files as pdf, send them via dropbox, or sometimes hightail, and when he opens them the image seems to have the ground colour missing. And image looks transparent. If anyone has any ideas to help me overcome this issue, I would be most grateful. Many thanks, Tigerfeet
  4. Hello everybody,- i am new in this Forum, and Affinty Designer First,- thanks for the promising good App, as well as Photo! Second,- i speak german, and like to illustrate my words with a graphic, if possible. :wacko: And now my first question. - when i export from AD to PDF for print (300dpi), i get artifacts (Skim and Apple Vorschau). - export to EPS Level 2 works perfect. Skim is converting it fine. Witch i could not open in Windows 10 with Acrobat. - export as EPS Level 3, and import it again in AD has some glitches. So, how do i export to PDF right? My document is in sRGB.
  5. I've noticed when importing a multiple page pdf file, that only the first page is imported. Does anyone know how to import the other pages without exporting each page individually and then importing it back to affinity?
  6. When opening a PDF in AP, I would like an option to load only the Images in a PDF. Also, the page preview would be easier to navigate with some pagination (prev/next page ) arrows. At the moment, the best way to do this is to change the page number and tab to the next field, or highlight the page number and use the keyboard up/down arrows. It's a little thing but the ideal would be to show a multi-page preview in grid form. This would really speed things up!
  7. Hey everyone. I need to know if there is a way to establish a page order when we export multiple artboards to a PDF. Currently, even though I set up my artboards in order, once they were exported, they actually came out in the reverse. So instead of 1 to 14, it came out 14 to 1 in page order. How can I reverse this? Is there some way to also set the order on export and is there a certain way we must lay out our multiple documents in order to get the pages right all the time? Thanks.
  8. Hello everyone, I am trying to create a "multi-page document" file since I'm working on a catalog but i can't find a way to export several pages into one PDF file. Does Affinity photo count with the photoshop equivalent of PDF presentation/Multi-page document?? Thanks :)
  9. I'm creating a new pdf export preset and want to ensure all outputs are cmyk with a specific colour profile. If the document isn't already in that specific colour profile will the document be converted or will the new profile simply be assigned. There's an option for that in the document settings but it's not clear in the export settings. (I suggest it should be made clear what's going on)
  10. Buon Giorno, ieri sera per la prima volta ho deciso di provare sul mio iMac "Affinity", avendo sempre usato Photoshop dovrei capire come funziona, vi chiedo se è possibile trovare un pdf sulla guida dell'applicazione Affinity ho altro che possa stampare per leggerlo con calma. Grazie e resto in attesa di vostre notizie buona giornata Giuliano Bastiani https://www.facebook.com/giuliano.bastiani
  11. Hi, I tried export AD file to PDF and stroke width of curves was changed. I attach the file to replicate it. I do not know what causes :( When I try open this file in public version AD, it looks completely different. Curve to PDF error.afdesign Curve to PDF error.pdf
  12. I opened a PDF file on Affinity Photo Beta in order to edit it. It has 12 pages, each one represented by an artboard. I need two more pages, though, which is an issue I can't apparently solve creating a new artboard. Is there a way to add a new page to this PDF?
  13. Hallo, working with AD is really great, thanks a lot. Exporting a poster containing text with FX (shadow, glow, ...) and masked elements as PDF, there are artefacts and problems with masked elements. jpg looks fine. thanks regards, Ralf 151203_Kiko-Gutschein_A4_CMYK.pdf 151203_PDF-Exp_Probs.pdf
  14. I have created multiple layers in one Affinity Designer document. I want all layers to be exported into one PDF such that when I open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro, I can see each layer in the layers tab. My UV printer recognizes each layer of a PDF to differentiate gloss, white, and CMYK inks (3 separate layers, but all in the same document). I can export the document using file/export in Designer, but it saves everything into one layer when viewed in Acrobat Pro. I can create 3 separate PDFs using the export panel, but then I need to merge them in Acrobat Pro or Illustrator. Am I missing something? Thank you.
  15. Hey, I've been editing a PDF file on Affinity Photo (the software treats each page as a layer), but now I can't export them back to the format they were before, because all the layers are becoming a single page. Can Affinity Photo make every layer a page again when exporting to PDF? What do I need to do? Thanks in advance!
  16. Hi @ all, I have to send a 76x66cm photocollage including a cut to a printservice. The original .afphoto file with all pics is about 400MB. Affinity photo is working already for 2 hours now to export to .eps @ 300dpi. Does anyone know how long it will take to finish this export? Will go to bed now, hopefully it is done next morning. ;-) Best regards, Michael
  17. I'm using the Beta Version of AD 1.1.2. In order to update it I guess I have to purchase the latest release? If so, will it prevent drop shadows from rasterizing around text when exporting to a PDF? I've got the Fill Knocks Out Shadow box unchecked, but it still rasterizes the shadows. My App Store App shows that I need to update AD. But I can't from there. So, do I have to purchase the latest version? Thanks.
  18. I'm migrating some work from MS Publisher to Affinity Designer. I'm wondering what is considered "best practice" for this task. I understand from the in-app help that AD supports opening the file types listed below, but I'm not clear on the advantages / disadvantages of the types that are beyond "flat images" (eg: tiff,bmp,gif,jpeg). So my question is: what MS Publisher output files will provide the most utility for an AD file import? Is .pdf the only legit choice? Thanks.
  19. Hello! I would like to import a pdf document which consist of several pages. In the imported document I see only the first page. Its possible to see the others as layers, but every text, pictures are in the first, visible page. I would like watermark more PDF-s with the customers name. How is that possible with batch editing? Thank you! Peter
  20. Hi all, does anyone have a clue why the raster parts of this pdf get pixelated so badly when I import it into Affinity Designer? Thanks! hubobaffinity_example.pdfpdf_import.tiff
  21. Hi, I often have to work with graphics from PDF files. They're divided in hundreds of layers. I know the function to find a specific part in the layers and I also know the kind of "force selecting" by pressing the Command key. But that doesn't help really because in most cases the objects that I have to select together aren't neighbors in the layer panel. Mouse framing either doesn't help it selects simply nothing. For example I have to catch all these objects with one action. In fact, there's many stuff around it. ;) Is there a simple way to do that avoiding to select them character by character and group them? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, and regards ... hp
  22. I want to export a design for print as PDF with crop marks. I set the margins in the document setup but when I export it, there is no crop marks on the PDF. Is this still to be implemented?
  23. I do know that there is another thread about the manuals and covering the html.index link into Calibre, but does anyone have any idea on how to adjust the settings for a perfect pdf fit? Ive tried adjusting the setting for 2 days now and still comes out looking distorted and what not. This is what I'm trying to achieve....... and this is mine...... Thanks in advance!
  24. HI. I spend a lot of time with my ipad when I am on the road or not at my desk. It would be great to have a copy of the Affinity Photo Help file on my ipad to look up stuff or refresh my memory. Lots of us work that way. The video tutorials are great but as I think about them - I would like to look up "alpha channels" or "blend modes" or "hardness" on various brushes etc. Learn in "baby gulps". I suspect you could turn it into a hypertexted pdf quite easily rather than spending $$ on an app given finite resources and LOTS on the roadmap. It would be VERY HELPFUL AND APPRECIATED. As you updated the help file with each release - just replace the pdf or other help creation with the newest one, so you would be addressing your concern of the fact that things will be changing quickly. You will be updating the help file anyways. Anyways, please give it some loving thought. Thanks
  25. Id love some help! Im creating print ready banner art. Each time I try to export, in any format except affinity, Affinity Designer crashes. What can I do? thanks! rs opening.soon.afdesign
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