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  1. Wow, Wow... Thank You so much. I knew there must be a trick!
  2. Macos Montery latest version Macbook Pro M1 crashes at each startup since 24 h. It tries to open a recovery file, asks If I want to open it but I do not have the time to answer and it crashes immediately. Is there a key combination to avoid opening the recovery file or can you tell me where I can find the recovery file in order to delete it? I cannot work at all since yesterday. Thank you.
  3. Of course I know that. Does it mean that a paged base application cannot do object operations over multiple pages? I don't think so. By the way, quite a lot of them do. Dom
  4. Hi, Using those features through Designer persona in a Publisher document only works on the current page. This makes it pretty useless. Any thoughts?
  5. Hi, I totally agree with you. By the way you can definitely use the Designer Persona but in this case it only works on the current page. And this doesn't make any sense. Dom
  6. Just made the test. It works but with a big drawback. It only selects on the current page.
  7. Hi Walt, Thought that maybe they were refining it before integrating to Publisher. By the way I all three products, but it could not be the case for everybody. Dom
  8. Ouuups stupid me. I also have Designer and Photo from the beginning but I didn't think about the persona.... Thank you.
  9. Hi Guys, First off, I am so happy this feature start to appear in Designer beta. Already that awesome. Do you intend to add it to Publisher as well? I hope so please..... Thank you
  10. "one of the next...." hum.... how many more decades can it take? You must be kidding.
  11. Yes sure. Was an Illustrator file. Logo 2020.idml
  12. Hi there, Publisher 8.1 Iml file import is pretty nice. However although I am not sure this is specific to Iml import, I ave a strange behaviour in 18.1 while exporting a pretty simple logo. Sometimes a curve with shadow exports correctly and sometimes just the shadow is exported but not the curve. In this case just retrain the export without touching anything fixes the problem. Both files were made a couple of minutes appart. Thank you.
  13. Of course you are totally right and this is still more frightening!. These however wonderful apps lack a solid data structure on the back side. If they would have this structure, implementing this kind of feature is just a piece of cake. I can tell that because I did that that in an industrial packaging design app some 15 years ago. It would be really nicer and smart to tell us that our requests imply some serious work on app internals. Everything else in this thread is just noise and smog.
  14. Hi, Hope you don't mind but your argumentation is totally weird. Of course I never thought I could cut the cord to Adobe with such an affordable product suite, but I could, ...almost. Of course I don't ask for every single of Adobe to be reproduced in Affinity suit. But for most of the people here, the feature we are asking for since about five years is the ONLY missing to make the big jump. And YES Affinity products are amazing already. Have a nice day.
  15. I totally agree that "Their tone and way of communication is very educated and customer oriented." the problem is that they just do no give any real answer to the question. In other words they have a very polite way to tell us "hey guys we just do whatever we want whenever we want and if you are not happy, get F...." PERIOD
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