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Posts posted by KipV

  1. On 10/28/2019 at 1:17 AM, amedeomantica said:

    Open button just bring a quicklook view where you cannot ever zoom

    I haven't got Quicklook to work with Affinity on iPad at all. Are you saying that Quicklook works but just that you can't zoom into the document? Being able to access the feature at all would be a huge improvement for me. The only thing it has ever opened for me (on iOS, iPadOS) is very common formats like jpg, Pdf, etc. File management on iPad just seems flaky to me. For an example I have been able to Airdrop between my Mac and iPad.

  2. 15 hours ago, JGD said:

    Back then, even Windows was fairly consistent, but then Mac OS X was even more so. Then, Microsoft got completely out of control and started experimenting with their UI.

    The initial versions of Mac OS X were quite inconsistent. They had about 2 or 3 interfaces going on at the same time; aqua and brushed metal. I remember it taking the better part of a decade to let it evolve.

  3. 2 hours ago, JGD said:

    Said asterisk could and should be displayed in document tabs, just like in Adobe apps, but on that “status” thingy (which, mind you, as a weird name for that non-complaint UI element, with the weird background and without the clickable proxy icon and disclosure triangle for renaming), it makes zero sense as the dot on the close button is even more visible.

    I guess I personally just don't have a major issue with it. I just noticed the "M" in brackets which is inconstant from everything else I think.

  4. 14 hours ago, JGD said:

    Again, guys, quit fiddling with stuff which is very much settled down in Apple's HIG or otherwise firmly entrenched in common practice. Please. I honestly don't want to be proven right when I say you are extremely cavalier as to Apple's UI and UX conventions, but you keep doing so time and time again. I know this is just a beta, but… seriously? How did this pass through QA?

    I actually don't have a problem with it's looks I just want it to function like the other programs and be able to edit the file name data. I think it looks pretty good on a large desktop screen which, I am sure, is the way they planned for people to use it. Laptops always have to deal with not really having the ideal amount of space which is one of the reasons they came out with the sidecar feature.

  5. 7 hours ago, R C-R said:

    Sorry for so many questions about the toolbar but since I am still considering if I want to upgrade this iMac to Mojave, I would like to know if by not having titles turned on you mean that 'customize toolbar' gives you the option of displaying the title or not, & possibly where it is positioned vs. the other toolbar items?

    The customize toolbar options are about the same as they have always been. I just meant that I personally don't turn on the text below the labels. You have the option of removing the file name which I imagine many people on smaller laptop screens will do. I have to wonder if the filename area will be brought to the other Affinity apps? I haven't used the Windows versions I wonder if someone on Windows knows if Photo and Designer 1.8 has it?

  6. 1 hour ago, R C-R said:

    I think the icons have shrunk to make room for the title text. Otherwise, document titles would have to be truncated excessively.

    I don't have titles turned on though so it makes no difference to me. All I see are giant gaps of blank space between the buttons.


    2 hours ago, R C-R said:

    In fact, I wonder how much of longer document names can be displayed without having to pop up the title menu (if that is what it is) or wait for a tool-tip type popup to appear, as it does in Finder's list view.

    I could see it working some what similar to iTunes were the song the artist, song and album info scrolls along when you hover over it if everything doesn't fit in the allocated area at once. It wouldn't need to be a pop up menu that you click on. I just brought up the pop up menu to as a way to keep it interface inline with most over Mac apps these days.

    Screen Shot 2019-11-01 at 5.23.53 PM.png

  7. Mojave toolbar buttons are way too small. I also don't see why the persona buttons need to get a lot closer. I am curious about the title area of the document. Will I eventually be able to click on that and be able to change the document title, tags, and location like with many other programs? If so that would be a useful update to the way 1.7 is. I hope these interface improvements get in place before bring the interface over to Photo and Designer. I hope you can also enlarge the tools icons on the left side of the screen as well.

  8. On 8/19/2019 at 4:04 AM, Jon P said:

    I've been advising on release threads of the workarounds, printing from an exported PDF, rasterising the embedded documents before printing, or if possible downgrading.

    Exporting as PDF seems like a fine workaround at the moment. Fortunately I only use Publisher for really basic projects at the moment so this kind of bug doesn't effect me all that bad.

  9. Just now, walt.farrell said:

    As the Affinity file format remains undocumented, there is no way that Final Cut would be able to have support for opening the native Affinity files. The question would remain whether Affinity can export to some format that Final Cut can read with everything you want transferring over.

    I would presume it would work very similarly to the way Photoshop is supported. Somehow Serif needs to get around this completely closed system. It needs to work much better with other products like Capture One, Quark etc. This is especially true for products they don't offer alternative to like video programs. Adobe even has their own video solution and yet they still support Final Cut. For Serif to not offer this option, even though they may never have a video option is nuts. They need to get their act together in this area.

  10. On 7/15/2019 at 2:04 AM, Jon P said:

    If you open it on the MacBook and embed all the resources instead of linking, do you no longer get any crashing behaviour?

    I just opened the embedded file on the iMac that has crashing and it stopped crashing!! This goes for both MAS and beta. With this file it may work since I don't swap out the images much/ever but I wonder about other files that may work better linked. Hopefully you can figure out what is wrong with the linking as well. Interesting how easy it is to switch between linked and embedded. I plan to pass this file around between employees, maybe it would be better to give them one big file with embedded images instead of a bunch of linked files. It will use some of the same files over and over again which was why I linked it to begin with.

  11. 20 hours ago, Jon P said:

    Also when moving it over to the macbook and it didn't crash, did you get warned of missing resources?

    I have so many different versions of the file at this point I have lost track of which one should be getting the warning message for missing resources.

    20 hours ago, Jon P said:

    If you open it on the MacBook and embed all the resources instead of linking, do you no longer get any crashing behaviour?

    It always crashed just on the iMac but did you mean embed everything on the MacBook and then bring it over to the iMac to see if it crashes?

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