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  1. I found solution for my problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29K9yuFrFJo
  2. My document is the cover of photo album. I placed image and I want this image to be background for the front side of the cover. How to do that? I don't want to use image handles because it changes aspect ratio. I tried to use crop tool but I cant (or don't know how) apply it selectively to image but it works only for entire document. How to do that like in primitive on-line programs for making photo albums? I am looking for functionality to set required size of the image (let's call it "window for image") then to be able to set position of the image inside such window or to zoom in/out image inside such window. I hope that I explained what am looking for. Is it possible in Affinity?
  3. Could anybody help me with following questions? How to reset image (placed in document) to oryginal aspect ratio? Is it possible to set required dimensions in mm for the image (placed in document) and move image inside such a "window"?
  4. Thank you for quick response. Releally good video to start making photo album/book. Are there any other tutorials supporting making photo book/album in Affinity Photo (e.g. basic typography, working with frames and effects good for album)? How to reset image to oryginal aspect ratio (something like image size properties under right mouse click)? Is it possible to set required dimensions in mm for the image and move image inside such a window?
  5. Hi, Is it possible to create Photo Album only using Affinty Photo (I don't have Designer)? How to do that - maybe somebody can advise me which video tutorials are best suitable to do that. I need only basic functionality - to add multiple images on the page, to adjust them and to add some frames around images. I would like to start from PhotoShop templates (for cover and inside pages) that are provided by company that will print that photo album. I can open them in Affinity. Finally I should provide each double-page as separate jpg file.
  6. Thank you for all clarifications and tip with floating windows. I don’t understand “Soft proofing changes values that are outside of the gamut”. Do you mean that Soft proofing works like relative colorimetric intent? That is Soft Proofing clips out of gamut colors? (BTW: I found very good article explaining differences between intent types https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/color-space-conversion.htm). So maybe to get similar results like Soft Proofing I should convert profile (with only difference that soft proofing only simulates, but convert do it irreversibly)? Maybe I explain what exactly I want to do. I’m preparing photos to photo-lab and downloaded ICC profile for their machine/paper. First I want to see how photos are displayed with ICC profile from photo-lab. Then make necessary adjustments to get satisfying appearance. And finally apply/convert/assign photo-lab profile to the JPG file before sending it to the lab. And of course ask photo-lab not to make any more corrections with that file. What is the best way to do that in Affinity?
  7. Hi, Could you help me with some questions below regarding using ICC profiles: 1. I can "Assign ICC profile" or add layer with "Soft Proof Adjustment". Do I get exactly the same result When I use the same ICC profile in each of these two options? Are there any differences/implications in further work with photo when use each of these options? 2. There are different lists of available profiles in "Assign ICC profile" and "Soft Proof Adjustment". Why? 3. How can I sort (by names) profiles on the list of ICC profiles for "Soft Proof Adjustment"? 4. Is it possible to switch off using default profile (U.S. Web Coated) just when I open "Soft Proof" window? I want to pick target profile on the list and look how it changes photo from source profile (change from U.S. Web Coated isn't interested)? 5. Can I watch photo with applied two different profiles in two separate indows side by side? Best regards Tomek
  8. Thank you for quick answer. So I am waiting eagerly for nondestructive RAW development. Then I will be able to move majority of my post-processing work to Affinity. Do you publish somewhere current roadmap for Affinity Photo? I've found only topic/discussion on this forum.
  9. Hi all, Huge gap in Affinity Photo functionality is lack of non-destructive RAW development. The best solution is to create sidecar file containing all adjustments made with RAW. Now it's not possible to do some adjustments with RAW file, close Affinity and come back to work with the same RAW later starting from previous point. In my workflow and presumably for many other photographers working with RAW covers more than 50% of total workflow. So now I can use Affinity only in the final stages of my workflow. I found some other requests for that functionality but without answer. Question to development team: when do you plan to implement non-destructive RAW development in Affinity? I hope not in 2.0 version :-)
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