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Posts posted by walt.farrell

  1. Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    2 hours ago, Johno2 said:

    and going back to Affinity then relogging into

    tutorials ??????

    First, you should be able to simply Pause the tutorial, switch to Affinity Photo, then come back right where you were. I'm not sure why that isn't working for you.

    Serif does not provide one for V2. They had a Workbook (not a manual) for V1, but it is no longer available from Serif though you might find copies somewhere on the web.

    There are several books for Photo and Photo 2 on Amazon, if you want to search there. I haven't used any of them.

    There's a PDF of a manual for V1 available here in the forums: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/34556-affinity-photo-pdf-manual-for-your-enjoyment/ (which I haven't tried). It's for V1, but many functions are the same, so depending on what you need it might work for you.


  2. 41 minutes ago, Inkwell said:

    Best suggestion for up grade path from V1 suite to V2 should I go through Affinity site or Apple app store for the best deal? I own all three programs in V1. Purchased Publisher direct the other two at App store.

    I know that the 25% Upgrade Discount is available via the Affinity Store, at https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/store/upgrade-offer/

    I'm not sure it's available if you go through the Mac App Store, or exactly how that would work, so I would purchase through the Affinity Store to be sure :)

  3. 48 minutes ago, skanpaul said:

    I'm facing this issue now. Today is September 19th 2024, that's seven year later after the 1st post of Sharkey.

    I have open 17 images on Affinity Photo.

    I cropped them all to get the square shape on all of them ...

    But now I can not export all of them in 2 or 3 clicks? It is really strange.

    Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    Correct, if they are open in separate editing tabs you will need to Export them one at a time.

  4. 2 hours ago, MikeTO said:

    can't use Windows spell checking because it doesn't offer hyphenation.

    I wasn't aware that Windows offers spell-checking at all, Mike. So thanks for mentioning it. But having done some research, I see that while Windows Settings does have some Spelling-related settings, they don't seem to have any effect on my system, which may explain why I never realized it offered them.

    Edit: Well, I just found one setting that seems to have an effect, the one to suggest words while typing. That one shows suggestions as I type in Firefox (e.g., when posting here) and it is very annoying in my opinion. So I turned that one back off. Auto-correct does not seem to work, though.

  5. 1 hour ago, nathan.rice said:

    Not sure how you can see what's going on with a video capture when it doesn't record what happens on the monitor. 

    My problem with your earlier video is that everything in the room goes wonky (but not "black"), not just the content of the monitor, making it impossible to see what the monitor was doing. (At least, that's my interpretation of what I see. Perhaps, if video capture isn't showing it, what you need is a camera-shot video with more context around (outside) the monitor?)

  6. 46 minutes ago, 0125 said:

    Does anybody know in which version this issue will be fixed? I just tried out 2.5.5 and font matching still seems to be broken...

    Serif generally does not tell us when something will be fixed. At this point we can hope that the 2.6.0 Beta, when it is released (early October?), might have a fix for it as that is the next likely release to include bug fixes (except possibly for a 2.5.6 release or Beta to fix macOS issues caused by Sequoia).

    When either of the two open problems discussed in this topic are fixed, the Affinity Info Bot will post here to give details,


  7. 1 hour ago, lesz3u said:

    is it possible to import an entire .xml table this way?

    As far as I know, no.

    1 hour ago, lesz3u said:

    is there a way to automatically size objects to fit the available space?

    You could probably put images into a Picture Frame, and set the Picture Frame to adjust the image size using the Frame Properties. Perhaps that would provide what you need?

  8. This is a known issue, logged as AF-3857, Tomas.

    Apple changed the interfaces that applications must implement when running on Sequoia, and Serif will need to provide this support in a future release or update. I see that a Moderator has already tagged your topic with this bug tracking information, so when a fix is available the Affinity Info Bot will post here with details of how you can get it.

  9. Queries are not supported by the Data Merge process. It makes use of the entire XLSX or CSV file, so I'm afraid you will need to massage it manually and create separate output files first. 

    3 hours ago, Chevdor said:

    quite some CSV exports

    Yes, it means that.

    3 hours ago, Chevdor said:

    quite some Data Merge sources

    You could always save your CSV exports into the same output file name, then you'd have only the one Data Merge source to worry about which might help in the process.

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