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Everything posted by Oval

  1. OK, this is your opinion, but this is not a better solution for sharp text than in PS. It is no solution. If you don’t need it, be unconcerned about realizing it from a technical point of view. Perhaps hinting would the next thing you do not need. There is still no easy way to switch off anti-aliasing.
  2. Then pictures should not be sharpened with filters and lanczos. There is not only your pixel. There are pixels around your pixel that are relevant for the contrasts humans see, not how computers work, because this is the easiest way for developers. It is about typography.
  3. The blend gamma changed the weight of your texts and cannot replace a sharpness slider for texts.
  4. I can’t really figure out if this is a statement or a question, but quickly this: 0. Some people posted their difficulties with blurred texts and did not get satisfying answers. 1. If you compare the smallest texts in the files of post #1, you will conclude that Shahin missed something. 2. The blend ranges are not very helpful for many users/cases. 3. If we had something like a sharpness slider for texts, nobody would have asked.
  5. The question was not how to achieve quality in Photoline and other apps. The question is why users don’t know how to achieve small “crisp” texts in AD like demonstrated in post 4. The answer is: The workflow is not easily represented by the UI of the Affinity apps. Affinity can. Even crisper (lower line) than in the example of Herbert123 (upper line):
  6. Totally agree, that Affinity needs something with usability like a professional sharpness slider. AP is not easy to use here, but it can. Made with AP and BitDust One:
  7. OK, sorry, just thought German would be easier since the problem should be solved quickly ("18. März”) and nobody really had an answer, not even the staff. English is not really easy for people who are cerebral and linguistically ungifted. Just one word and I would have seen my mistake immediately. Again, sorry Shahin and Peterkaosa. And thanks, having learnt once again … German is not welcome.
  8. Joking aside, professionals don’t want to change the weights. The real Affinity solution would be a sharpness slider, that generates constant weights. :wub:
  9. Das liegt am Resampling-/Neuberechnen-Algorithmus, der bei Pfaden nicht greift (Leider gibt es ja noch keine Export-Preview). Selbst wenn man in AD die Pfade/Texte vor dem Export in Bitmaps wandelt (rastert), bleibt es etwas komplizierter, die gleichen Ergebnisse wie in AP zu erzielen.
  10. Supi! Für die aktuelle Online-Version wurde kein Lanczos genutzt, oder? Das gäbe mehr Schärfe. Warum »Aus« mit versalem »A«? Handy im Aus? Frutiger würde sagen: »Handy Aus!« wirkt kleiner als die Zeile darüber, deshalb wäre ein Tick größer besser.
  11. Moin, moin. Ja, Egyptienne-Serifen und fein, … völliger Quatsch. Ich kenne noch keinen einfachen Trick in AD, aber wie oben demonstriert und im Tipp beschrieben, kann man in AP scharfe Bitmap-Schrift exportieren, indem man vorab die Vektor-Texte rastert. Das funzt per »Merge Visible« meist am einfachsten und bietet den Vorteil variabler Qualitäten (abhängig, welche Ebene man aktiviert). Wichtig ist natürlich auch die Wahl des Export-Resamplings (mit »Neuberechnung« etwas unglücklich ins Deutsche übersetzt). Das Problem der unscharfen Pixel-Texte ist nicht neu, leider scheint es noch immer nicht bei den Entwicklern angekommen zu sein. Profis müssen wohl weiterhin auf einfache Antialiasing- und Schriftoptimierungs-Optionen warten. Angesichts der Vokabel “unacceptable” hätte sich Serif ja schon mal melden können. Es handelt sich ja um ein echtes Basic-Problem, das man in Version 0.9 vielleicht noch verschmerzen mag. Leigh hatte beispielsweise anfangs mal reingeschaut … Übrigens: Meine grob erstellte Vektor-Zeile ist 8 Pixel hoch und damit sogar einen Pixel kleiner als die nachfolgende Zeile.
  12. Just do what I described in my tip and you will be surprised: (Obere Zeile ist aus einem neuen Vektor-Text entstanden. Qualität ist nochmals besser, obwohl keine Filter benutzt wurden.) Die Qualitätsprobleme haben nix mit den Serifen und den Details zu tun, sondern wie Affinity Schriften behandelt. Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Programmierer verstehen, wie User denken und arbeiten, statt umgekehrt. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass man in Zukunft die Qualität auch einfach direkt in AD erzielen kann. Für Insider: Das korrekte Schärfen einer Schrift lässt sich nicht mit der Korrektur der Coverage Map vergleichen/erzielen.
  13. Why PS? Look above, what AP usually exports. Very crispy without additional filter. :)
  14. Moin, moin, Shahin. Selbst wenn ich Dein kleines Screen_Shot_From_AD.png exportiere, bekomme ich keine so schlechten Ergebnisse, sondern: Wenn alle Deine JPGs (warum CMYK?) Bildschirmfotos sind, gibt es eine Erklärung. Tipp: Unschärfe von Texten kann man durch ein »Merge Visible« in AP vor dem Bitmap-Export minimieren.
  15. Well, it is only one recommendation of the printer and you want to reduce the size. The printer could rechange it if only one colour is used. Have you asked if a PDF test would be OK? Another option: compressing.
  16. Not a perfect solution, but have you already tried System Preferences > Accessibility > Zoom (and ctrl mouse wheel)?
  17. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/1522-affinity-publisher-photo-roadmap/&p=6224 Ability to import InDesign (or XPress.. not my worry anymore.. but) files. "Sorry but not for the initial release.” https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/about/ “Create precise layouts and a versatile range of professional publications with Affinity Publisher, even evolve designs that originated in Affinity Designer or Affinity Photo. Accurate typography, artwork, placement and colour will shine out from every layout, every page, every magazine, book, and digital publication, every logo and brochure. Expected to be in beta by the end of 2016 and launch later in 2017, Affinity Publisher will share the precision, speed, quality, and designer-led finesse found in other Affinity titles.”
  18. FYI: On the feature roadmap: “Convert Pixel selection to Vector shape”
  19. No, not an average cat! Here is the pony: 1 Affinity cat = 1.666 commonly Adobe pugs @ 25 °C Dave, you see what three simple characters can cause? Better than any advertising campaign! Tell us the publication date of the behind the scenes video of the R&D cat unit, please.
  20. Please go to View > Customize Tools… (and select 2 columns). HTH
  21. Thanks! Great! Please, get it into Affinity Help. Some examples in “Document setup” for “physical measurement units” and a direct link to the “expressions for field input” would be useful for beginners. Please show some hints for beginners if a field / a panel is in use / being hovered. Are there more easter eggs besides the cat shape for cat lovers and catchers? Can you provide a photo of that standard cat, please? That would be great for PR. BTW: Now finally x, a, c are a real USP which should be retold everywhere very loud! :wub: You meant “12pt = x”?
  22. Well, we cannot see what is planned but how does it get onto the C F R I or into the feature roadmap? Is it a more mathematical or a human process? When this feature was already planned, it was perhaps a secret or an element of the first concept?
  23. Somebody asked why he cannot use " for inches … Can we have an overview of the allowed unit abbreviations in fields, please? And will it be possible to add units? For example if you want to use other typographic units. Please? If not, just add one single variable, please? 10^-6 is possible why not µ and dm?
  24. And please have a look into the “Expressions for field input” (hidden a little bit) in the “Affinity Designer Help” because it is important to understand what is possible there. BTW: 5" does not work but 5in and .05*3in+1mm and π/2 and w+x-h, …
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