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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Assuming that by “flattened” you mean rasterised with a transparent background around the text you can add a Colour Overlay Effect to the Pixel Layer – see attached image. The Colour Overlay Effect will non-destructively ‘overwrite’ any non-transparent pixel with a pixel of the colour of your choosing.
  2. Note: As per the Help, the Path field in the Slices Panel is only for Xcode UI development, rather than general exporting (it should probably be given a different name to make this clearer). It might be nice if the user could create a User Variable, as in my attached image, without the software complaining that it contained prohibited characters.
  3. I don’t think you will find a general purpose way to do this with just vectors (happy to be proven wrong though). Rather than exporting the design to a PNG and then dropping it back into the document, why not try this alternative method: In Settings → Assistant set “Other brushes on vector layers” to “Rasterise layer and apply brush” (you only need to do this once); Group the layers you want to smudge; Duplicate the group; Hide the duplicate group (that’s your ‘backup’); Go to the Pixel Persona; Select the Smudge Brush Tool; Start smudging (the group will automatically be rasterised because you told the software to do that earlier). See attached video (where I’ve been quite messy so you can see what’s going on). 2023-11-26 09-37-02.mp4
  4. Welcome to the forums @Kevin Elsmore You can search the forums for watermark to get various examples of workflows for adding signatures to images. If you have a specific requirement which isn’t covered in those other threads then we will need more details about what you want to do and what you want to do it to.
  5. Thanks for the screenshot. It looks to me like the Frame Text layer is on the “Master A” master page – you can see the highlight on the Layers Panel is on the master page – which means that it can’t be changed unless you are editing the master page. You can edit the master page in various ways: Right-click the master page in the Layers Panel and choose Edit Linked (then later pressing the Finish Button); Using the Toggle Master View button on the Status Bar (near bottom-left); Double-clicking the master page in the Pages Panel. Search the application Help for master page to get more information about master pages.
  6. It sounds like your right-hand Frame Text layer is either locked or on a master page. If that’s not the answer, can you give us a full-screen screenshot showing the 'problem frame' selected where we can see the full spread and the Layers Panel with that layer selected?
  7. You’re welcome. I suspect that the Gradient Map may need to use more than two colours to get it closer to the original but I can’t be sure. And an Add Noise Live Filter applied to the image might help a bit with the ‘graininess’, maybe. And maybe a ‘light touch’ Gaussian Blur Live Filter too, perhaps. Basically, just keep experimenting and see what you get.
  8. You can probably replicate the green/yellow example, up to a certain point, by adding a Black & White Adjustment and a Gradient Map Adjustment – see attached image. You will need to experiment with the settings of each adjustment to get different results as necessary. If you want something more specific then you will need to be more specific about your requirements.
  9. Just to make this request a bit clearer, would you be able to give a visual example of where/how you would want the title of the document to be shown? (You can demonstrate it by showing what another application does – with perhaps a screenshot – if that’s easier than making a mock-up.)
  10. Carrying on from what I said earlier... One method is to use the Node Tool in Transform Mode but that can be awkward when you want nice results and it can take a lot of time. (I posted a video about it in the forums but couldn’t find it when I looked.) Another method, in Designer only, is to use the Warp Group functionality (Quad warp) which is generally quicker and seems to produce nice results most of the time (a little bit of fiddling may be necessary). See attached image where I have a group of straight line Curve layers (pressure curve added to all to give the ‘tapering’ at the ends), in a Group which has a Gradient Overlay Effect added to it, and that group has a Warp Group (Quad, with added targets) added to that.
  11. This thread is from six years ago, for the V1 applications. There’s a chance that the functionality you want, or something like it, has already been implemented since then. If you can explain what you want to do then someone can probably advise further. P.S. You will need to tell us which Affinity application(s) you have and which version you are using.
  12. For general curves which already exist, no, not currently. For that you would need a Blend function which has been requested many times. Search the forums for blend to get some ‘workarounds’. For specific curves that you are creating from scratch, that might be possible but we would need to know the details. (If you just want to get some curves that look something like your example then it’s possible.)
  13. Without knowing what the background looks like compared to the foreground it’s very difficult to give specific advice. If you can upload an example of a photo – so we can see the background you want to remove in relation to the foreground object – someone should be able to advise further, for that particular photo at least. Note: Simply adding a different background to a photo may not leave it looking realistic since a photo taken of something with a close-by coloured background will often cause the foreground to take on some of the colour of the background (do a web search for ambient light to find out more).
  14. As Walt said above, an image like that is of no use to us in diagnosing the problem. We need to see the Publisher document to be able to see what’s wrong or, at the very least, a full-screen screenshot of the Publisher application with the text frame selected, and the text caret positioned in the problem paragraph, and the Paragraph Panel and Text Frame Panel visible. (I suspect you have set a Left Indent to a value other then zero, in either the Paragraph Panel or the Text Frame Panel, but I can’t be sure from what you have supplied.)
  15. Text Styles are saved with the document they are created in, so they shouldn’t ‘disappear’ from a document except via user action*. If you open a new document the Text Styles created in another document will not usually be there in the Text Styles Panel because, as I said above, they are saved in the document rather than the application. If you want to use the Text Styles from one document in another document then you will need to import them, search the Help for text style import for more information on that. * However, it’s worth noting that some Text Styles only appear in the Text Styles Panel at certain times (e.g. when editing a TOC, etc.)
  16. Yeah, menu “Text → Show Character” does the same thing as menu (in V1) “View → Studio → Character”. And menu “Text → Show Paragraph” does the same thing as menu (in V1) “View → Studio → Paragraph”. Did you manage to do what you wanted to do?
  17. In V1 it’s available via menu “View → Studio → Character”. (In V2, menu “Window → Text → Character”.)
  18. You can 'skew' the text via the Shear setting in the Character Panel, without converting the text to outlines. (Screenshot is from V2 but it’s the same in V1.)
  19. You’re welcome but I can’t take any credit for that technique; it was described to me by another forum member (probably on more than one occasion since I still remember it). I agree that this forum is much better than most which I have browsed through, or been a member of.
  20. You’re welcome. There are loads of non-obvious little ‘tricks’ in Publisher so don’t hesitate to ask if you need help with anything else.
  21. Not as far as I know, but you could probably do something with Data Merge. Or, depending on your requirements, you could add the day names into a single Frame Text layer which is only large enough to hold one name and then use the Text Flow functionality to flow the text into frames on subsequent pages – see attached video. 2023-11-22 12-37-49.mp4
  22. You can move a Frame Text layer, while you are editing it, by moving the mouse pointer over the edge of the frame until you see a ‘four-way arrow’ mouse pointer and then dragging the frame – see attached video. 2023-11-22 12-25-22.mp4
  23. When using the Pencil Tool with the Stabiliser OFF I get similar results to you but get much better results with the Stabiliser ON – see attached video (where I prove that I’m not an artist). I don’t know if there is a way to make the lines smoother without using the Stabiliser or manually editing the nodes after drawing. I don’t know how the software chooses the frequency of samples when the Stabiliser if OFF and don’t know if there’s a way to change it. (I’ve just checked with V1.10.6 and it’s working pretty much the same there as far as I can tell.) The only other things I can think of at the moment are: to try a ‘balled’ mouse (if you can find one) rather than an optical mouse to see if that makes a difference, or; maybe reducing the sensitivity of the mouse so it doesn’t tell the software it has moved quite so often. 2023-11-22 09-07-39.mp4
  24. I don’t use Photoshop so I don’t know what “saved as” should do, so maybe the problem is with that somehow? I don’t use Topaz Gigapixel AI and don’t know what it does, so maybe the problem is with that somehow? You mentioned “converted them to jpgs” but don’t say how, so maybe the problem is with that somehow? You seem to have an unusual workflow in getting your images from the originals into Publisher – TIFF → Photoshop → Topaz → Conversion → ??? → Publisher – so it might be best to check them at each stage to make sure that they are correct at each stage before going on to the next stage. That might help you to figure out where the problem is coming from. Or, in some cases, you could just place the TIFFs directly into Publisher, if they don’t need any further work, and use the export settings in Publisher to try and reduce the size of the resultant export.
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