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  1. To speed up the workflow there is necessity of a tool like illustrator's Live paint or Inkscape's bucket fill tool in the Draw persona of Affinity Designer.
  2. Hi, In Affinity Designer, The selection tool when clicked on something by default selects a curve only. I place a number of curves inside a layer. But then when I want to select the entire layer by move tool to move around or scale, it would select only a curve on which the cursor is clicked. Is there a setting by which we can make the selection tool select entire layer on clicking inside artboard rather than going to the layers panel and selecting the layer? regards
  3. Hi, Do we have any option to select strokes and shapes using a freehand selection tool in Affinity Designer? When there are multiples strokes drawn near by and you want to select only a few you want to do it with a freehand selection method . but right the only option of selection (arrow tool) seems to select everything in rectangular selection when you drag the tool. Using shift select each stroke can be very tedious if you are working with a lot of strokes/shapes. Please let me know if I am missing something. thanks
  4. Hi, Can we please have the option to add curve profiles/pressure profiles to dotted lines. Right now we can't make tapering dotted lines. thanks
  5. That's an amazing work around. Thanks a ton! What I was doing is making a solid tapering line...then expand stroke... and then draw rectangles at equal distance... boolean add the rectangles to single shape.. and then boolean subtract this rectangles'shape from expanded tapering stroke. That was frustrating... Your solution is so much better. Thanks again.
  6. I am trying to create a dotted line that tapers at one end. I have created the tapering profile with the pressure curves but I am not able to assign that tapering profile to the dotted line.
  7. Thanks a lot Callum and MEB. That's an amazing speed of response. You just made my life better.
  8. Hi, I am using AD to do some inking illustrations and it's doing the best job. better than Ai. However there is one little thing that hinders the work. When drawing with pen tool I don't always need to close a path (eg drawing a human figure) But after finishing one stroke as you move far away to start new stroke it automatically joins to the last point. In Ai what I would do is hit the shortcut 'p' on keyboard and I am able to draw a new stroke without closing the previous path. in AD as a workaround now after drawing a stroke with pen tool (unclosed path) I click 'v' for move tool and then click anywhere on canvas to get rid of the continuous path, and then again clicking 'p' for pen tool to draw new stroke. This adds 2 new steps and when you have to draw a lot it is kind of annoying and slowing you down. Is it possible to refresh the pen tool by clicking p so it drops the existing stoke and you are ready to draw new stroke. I hope I am able to explain. Let me know if I am missing any setting for this.( eg. keep path selected). Think of drawing something as simple as the attached jpg. thanks and regards, Raman
  9. Hi, I created an illustration in Affinity and now when I am export it as a jpg the colours are coming out very dark than what I see in the workspace. Please see attached screenshot of workspace and the exported jpg. You will notice the colour are different in working file and the exported jpg. Why is it happening and how can I fix it? Also attached is the .afdesign file so you check. regards laborday.afdesign
  10. I have downloaded the trial version of Affinity Designer on my mac and seriously considering to replace Adobe Illustrator with AD. So far I have done some comic inking illustrations, a couple logo design and some coloured illustrations and I find the app amazing. I find Affinity Design the best App so far for inking purpose in vector. I have tried inking in illustrator, corel painter, Manga studio, photoshop. For raster I like Manga Studio but for vector AD is definitely the best. Though I miss some features of Adobe illustrator for example Auto trace, eye dropper tool, 3D extrude, blend tool to mention. Still Affinity Designer's price is so attractive that it lures an illustrator/designer like me living in India. I hope Affinity will come up with alternatives for premiere pro and after effects also. Thanks
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