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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. Works correctly for me on High Sierra. Both the Open With and QuickLook.
  2. But not to change the fill color of either a text frame or table. The Color panel/panel/tab does not affect those fills, and the Text Frame Fill Swatches tab does not have either an opacity slider or value. Definitely a bug. Fought it all day today on a client project. While you can select a swatch, then switch to the Color tab and change opacity of that swatch, you still don't have a percentage or numeric readout, so there is no way to set the opacity much less duplicate other frames, etc. And there surely should be a slider and numeric value on the Swatches tab.
  3. Curiously, when playing with these sliders and panels, if you have a text frame and add a fill color to the frame from the Text Frame panel, then adjust the opacity from the Color or Swatches main panels, it affects the text color, not the frame background color. Something is messed up I think. Also in the Text Frame panel, when you access the swatches for the text frame background, there is no opacity slider at all. Same with the Table frame background color.
  4. Sorry, no. It does not synchro with the Color panel when adjusting fills from the Text Frame or Tables Fill panels. The Colors panel stays set on it's past color when the fill is changed on the Text Frame fill. High Sierra
  5. No way to see what the opacity setting is nor to manually set a %. The field is missing in both the Text Frame and Tables Fill dialogues. When using swatches in these dialogues, there isn't even an opacity slider, so not sure what's going on with that.
  6. Had an existing eps file (a footer block with pic, graphic and text). Converted to PDF, opened in APhoto, fixed a few things. Saved using APhoto 1.7.1. Placed the approximately 8"x 3.5" element into APub, but as can be seen in the screenshot (graphic on left pasteboard), the item came in on an approx. A4 page size. The APhoto file is correctly sized when viewed in APhoto. If it is saved as a TIFF, the TIFF is the correct smaller dimensions when placed into APub, but not when placed as an APhoto file. I ended up creating a new APhoto doc and copied/pasted the elements/layers from the original APhoto file into the new document. The resultant APhoto placed correctly into APub (center bottom of page). Not sure where the bug is, whether APhoto did a poor job of opening and saving the original PDF, or if APub is having an issue placing certain APhoto files.
  7. Tried dragging an artistic text item across the pages (from p1 to p2) and get a crash every time. Tried it multiple times. Crash report included. Metal Compute, OpenGL display Crash Report - Moving item across pages.rtf
  8. Just used it multiple times the last couple days on a pub with no problem. Be sure to see if this relates to the Performance pref. See if you have Metal compute on. Might possibly be an issue for your older Mac.
  9. Or at least an answer to why they elected to not offer it any longer. It was very handy for those of us who routinely use quality stock artwork.
  10. Aha! Just figured it out! Much like the issues with tables, once the size of the text frame is changed, the location of the gutter drag handles is no longer aligned to the new gutter locations! If you hover over the columns of text, you will eventually see the handles, and they actually work! But a bit of a bug if you don't know what's going on! Column_Gutter_Issue.mov
  11. Just noticed that the ability to drag gutters within a text frame seems to vanish after working with a text frame. Not sure what causes it to go away, but when I create a new text frame, add columns, try to drag columns/gutters, it works fine. But as soon as I stretch or resize the text frame, I can no longer adjust the gutters (by grabbing the gutters and moving them). Thus once a text frame is changed in size, cannot drag the gutters. High Sierra, Metal on.
  12. All 3 work fine for me. High Sierra.
  13. Works fine for me with Metal Compute and OpenGL Display. Can change mid-point and direction.
  14. I asked this in the Bugs for APh 1.7.1. Just upgraded APh and installed the final APub and missing one of the major stock photo suppliers, Shutterstock in the Stock Panel. Use it all the time. It used to be in Affinity Photo, so not sure where it has gone. Anyone know how to add it back into APh/APub?
  15. Interestingly, I just installed the MAS 1.7.1. It opened preset to Metal Compute with Display greyed out at Metal. Now the sliders are working normally and are responsive. Strange! With the Metal Compute on, I also tried the Clone Tool to see if it was still delayed. It wasn't as bad as it had been with the beta. Not as smooth as in 1.6.7 but not horrible. Not sure why it works better now but just glad it does since I have another 500+ merge/mappings to do next week.
  16. Just installed the MAS v1.7.1 and Eye Candy no longer opens at all. Not sure what changed from the beta, but disappointed. Despite not providing an accurate preview, if you knew what you wanted, you could get the effect by selecting a preset. Hopefully this can be fixed (again).
  17. Just upgraded and missing one of the major stock photo suppliers, Shutterstock. Use it all the time. How do I add it back into APh?
  18. Thanks! Works fine for me (High Sierra). Needed this!
  19. I was working for an hour or so on a 2-page A4. Added a new text frame. Worked with bullets, etc.. Suddenly the text frame ruler lost the markers for left margin and indent. Couldn't get it to come back. I then created a new text frame and pasted in clean text. Had the Margin/Indent markers and tab stops. However, the Paragraph panel lost much of the adjustments such as spaces before, after, etc. Changing the file did not bring it back. Did a restart of Publisher and it came back.
  20. Just tried it again this morning and still the same results. The sliders' response will stick sometimes, then go to instantaneous for the next couple slides. Repeatable on multiple sets. And as said before, never had this issue on 1.6.7 after doing thousands of these merges/mappings. I uploaded 2 sets of Nikon NEFs for you to try. I do have Metal turned off due to the Clone tool problem, but are my other settings for 1.7.1 correct for my iMac? Here's a screen capture from just now. APh_1.7.1_GM_-_slow_sliders.mov
  21. Seems like it was a one-time occurrence following a new beta. With the new GM, it seems to reopen all windows/files fine now.
  22. I just tried restarting the computer to see if it made a difference. With very little else running and using some of the same Nikon NEF merge files, still the same issue. As before, the initial slide takes the longest to "catch up", whereas successive slides are sometimes instantaneous. But not always. Always a mixture of delayed response with immediate response. Can't think of anything else that would be causing this issue. And as said before, it never occurred with 1.6 doing thousands of these same merges/tone mapping.
  23. It didn't happen again doing the same set (3 - 24mp RAW files), nor did it happen during the rest of the processing project. That said, in the thousands we've done in 1.6 I can't recall it ever happening, so I thought it worth reporting. I can get you sample RAW files (although they are 24mp NEF files), but they didn't crash again, so not sure what happened.
  24. Had this happen all day yesterday. I had shut off metal due to the problem with the clone tool, so switching to OpenGL didn't resolve this issue. This was in our normal workflow of HDR Merge of 3 Nikon RAW (NEF) 24mp pics. In the Tone Mapping portion, we need to tweak the settings. In 1.6.7 we never had any issues with the sliders, but since switching to 1.7.1 beta Saturday for a normal client project, we routinely had slow sliders with a definite one-thousand-and-one delay in sliding versus seeing the effect. Never had that before in 1.6.7. I also just tried it with a 24mp jpeg and it does the same thing. Not sure why, but it is consistent. Also just restarted APh and tried it with a 2.4mp jpg and get pretty much the same thing. Sometimes the effect was almost aligned with the slider, but several times trying it on that pic, the effect was delayed a second or more. And I don't see any other process or app using any extraordinary cpu or memory. All in all, the new version seems faster by a little bit in this overall workflow (merge, tone map, touch-up, export), especially in the Save, but the sliders in Tone Mapping are definitely slower for us.
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