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  1. Hi Kasper, thank you for your nice words. As I am from 1941 my youth was also in the fifties. Somewhere in the process I must have mirrored the image of the pick up. The correct use of the stabiliser is rather new to me but I understand it now better. Kind regards, Allard
  2. Hi, I am new to this forum. I am using AD-2 on my iPad air (2022) with an Apple pencil since 2021. The vector image I am showing here is in the memory of my youth back in the early sixties. I am more interested in graphic quality rather than photographic realism. For my figures I am using photographs from journals and the internet as inspiration, mostly to get the proportions right.
  3. I found a simple solution to this problem. When the giant handles appear after joining curves I tap the sharp button in the top bar, then I tap the smooth button next to this. Normal handles appear which you can change. It is not ideal and I hope it will be fixed in the future.
  4. @walt.farrell Thank you. This was my first post on this form
  5. @walt.farrell @stokerg Thanks for your reply. I have no problems with other apps than Designer. The solution of @stokerg means that it is indeed a problem of the iPadOS. I did the forced restart but had not enough time yet to see the effect.
  6. Affinity designer/photo/publisher 2.1.1 for iPad. iPad air 2022 64gb, free space 24 gb.Documents all in iCloud When I work for some time in designer some functions don’t work anymore. For instance the fill function fails to fill a shape with colour. I have to restart the iPad to be-able to work again. Everything works fine for some time and then it happens again. Reminds on far gone times in OS9 on the mac.
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