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Posts posted by NathanC

  1. Hi @PafCaf,

    The affinity apps are user-mode applications and are therefore not capable of causing a system freeze/crash or BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). The Affinity apps may have been the trigger for the crash likely due to the high Memory and/or CPU usage and also that the apps utilise kernel-mode drivers, but the apps themselves won't be the cause. This will be an underlying system issue (E.G Driver issues, Windows Corruption, or Hardware issues such as unstable RAM/CPU Overclock) System Event Viewer may reveal more but it can vary dependant on the cause.

  2. Welcome to the forums @Micasael,

    On 10/28/2024 at 9:44 PM, Micasael said:

    I've probably found the problem: there is an embedded document (a logo) on the master pager. Always when I try to change that, affinity crashes. So i decided to set up the document again. Probably you have an idea, what the problem could be…?

    If you could provide us with a copy of the .afpub file where you're encountering this crash we can look into it further and confirm if it's replicable on our side. I can provide a private upload link if required.

  3. Hi @4dimage,

    On 10/31/2024 at 3:54 PM, 4dimage said:

    Long story short: there is a difference between the destructive Perspective filter (pixel level) and the non-destructive Live Perspective filter. The latter produces unpredictable results both during use and in further processing of the document.

    Just catching up with this one, but I'm observing this same poor-quality render using the live perspective filter on the full-res placed image compared to the better destructive filter output using your sample files, I'll log this with the developers for further investigation and confirmation.

  4. Hi @Bojan-MDN,

    Thanks for uploading the files, I've installed the necessary fonts but the text on page 61 appears to be in a completely different place than what's shown in your screenshots, the last point on page 61 is .196 and the year shown is 1984.  I have all the fonts installed (other than 'Times' and 'Times Regular'), but I don't have your spelling/hyphenation dictionaries so i'm wondering if this may be why, could you possibly provide me with these?

  5. 16 hours ago, sbk said:

    If I understand your last comment. It sounds as if any Color FITS images that are processed via the Batch operation will not be properly converted to a color TIF or JPG, or ...?

    If this is the case then the current Batch operation would not be of any help for processing FITS images. Is this correct?

    Yes, that's correct. It's logged with the developers to add the 'Develop FITS' step as a part of a Batch Job.

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