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  1. Can we know why you did such a choice instead of the standardized Program Files folder that was working perfectly well ? I am honestly not a fan of having the files of a program I paid for, being hidden and spread within unknown locations on my computer.
  2. When powerpc and macintel were in transition, I remembrer many programs offering architecture options. And here, we are talking about "professional" softwares, hence the need of professional customer treatment. If Serif HAVE TO ship a universal binary version, fine! But then offer a intel only version and a arm only version too for those who know what damn mac they bought..... (like.... 99.95 percent of us...)
  3. Thanks for the tips I expect staff to take their responsibility though. Not rely on shady tools.
  4. Hi lead build engineer, Affinity products are compiled very poorly, I am sorry but this is sadly true. 1) There is a huge redundancy in the binaries, leading to excessive application size on disk. The app could be more than 2 times lighter If your engineers were spending time of fixing this ridiculous issue. (there is multiple times the same core packaged in the build for different colorspaces !!) 2) A note for the mac apps, you ship them with both Apple Silicon AND x86 binaries, leading to 1 additional GB of DEAD data wasting our disks. Your users are NOT dumb, they know if they use an Apple silicon M1 mac or an Intel one! Stop thinking we are stupid and stop wasting our very limited apple SSDs, and please provide two packages so we stop this NONSENSE. If you really care as much as you pretend you do, by fixing those 2 huge issues, next week the app size will shrink drastically. Thanks for caring for real.
  5. Both Photo and Designer waste 1 additional GB on my ssd........ 6 GB for the 2 apps now !!!??? We really don't care about having the Apple Silicon binaries that our computers will NEVER use (or vice versa) so, please do your job correctly and optimize the app size, and just ship 2 versions (x86 OR arm). PS: It is totally ridiculous that the apps even were 2GB. Please ask the devs to compile their code correctly and to remove redundancy in the app binaries !
  6. Hi, I am affected by this issue as well. Dithering is not something that is needed in every case and when dealing with displacement maps, it's a real bummer to not be able to avoid the effect. I hope the option for disabling this will be added in the next version because I can't work with affinity right now because of this. Thanks
  7. As a vfx artist as well, this suggestion is a really really (really) good one! CGI and film is moving all together to ACES (ACES-2065 for capture and master and ACEScg for post prod), if you want to be the top tool for our small but important community, please add ACES support. (at least ACEScg) Thank you
  8. Thanks for the info. However I think that if the embedded image ressources are so large, they should be moved into a different place than the .app folder that is supposed to be mainly for binaries. That is exactly what the folder /Library/Application Support/editor_name/... is for actually. Thanks for reporting the devs about that.
  9. The weight of application start to be seriously problematic. 1.8 GB install for both photo and designer. Could the dev team focus on reducing the installed package size please ?
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