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  1. I know that demonstration/tutorial videos have been created in the past from things demonstrated in "introduction to" videos. This is a capability demonstrated, and has garnered enough interest, I would think the Affinity Staff would be working to create a video to cover this. The potential interest in what they have demonstrated is enormous.
  2. So I am assuming your measurements aren't in pixels, because you have fractions (decimal places). So the first thing I guess I would check is the dpi settings between the documents, and the measurement value settings between the documents too.
  3. If you are familiar with Blender at all, then I that would be my recommendation, although the learning curve might be above the desired level. If all else fails, I would suggest consider just using Affinity to make a series of animated raster outputs, and then use any editing program to make the series into a movie or animated gif. You might group the project together, duplicate the group, adjust, and use the layered groups like an onion skin. Then export each group separately to a sequenced file name, import into GIMP for example and create an animated GIF. I like GIMP's method of making an animated GIF file, and there are some good tutorials on YouTube.
  4. I do not believe Motion has ever supported a layered PDF file. You can import a layered Photoshop file, it can be a little tricky, you have to get a pop-up window with options to import the layers. Here is a link to an Apple Support article, https://support.apple.com/kb/PH16869?locale=en_US&viewlocale=en_US The short answer is drag your file from the directory listing into the layers section. Do not release the file, but hold it until a pop-up window shows your options. The article will also show you which attributes Motion will not support. I do not believe Motion has ever supported SVG format.
  5. If I understand what you are saying, you realize you can switch to RGB Hex in the drop down of the color palette on the left hand side, right?
  6. I am not sure I understand what you are asking for, so forgive me if I get it wrong. My guess is that what you are looking for is a result of using the blend modes. There are many options, so I will only show one. In my example screen shot I have an overlapping heart, rotating around a circle in 30 degree spaces. Each heart has a color offset by the same degree of rotation. I set all layers at 50% opacity, and in this case I used the Multiply blend mode. You can see the overlapping sections have different colors dictated by the blend mode, and layer position. If this wasn't what you were asking for, I apologize in advance. Good luck.
  7. I am really missing something. Forgive me. I cannot figure out what your question is. I am looking for an angle in an elliptical gradient that I cannot adjust, and it seems like they are all covered. At least to maintain the elliptical criteria. Maybe it's this flu I have, or some other distractions, but I can't figure out what you are looking for? Forgive my ignorance on this.
  8. These are only my observations. For all intensive purposes the bleed areas are invisible in the program, but show up when you export. You do not need to readjust your document size, but you do need to expand the graphic you want to bleed over the size of the document to cover the added area. Your exported file dimensions will be adjusted. The export will be the document size plus the bleed defined. I believe that covers it. Trying to group multiple Artboards together as a pamphlet brings unique problems where bleeds are concerned. But for a single document, Artboards not grouped, the results should be consistent. Hopefully this has covered all your questions. I make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of my observations though. Good luck.
  9. So from what you are discussing I am going to assume that you are setting a gradient most likely from the fill, or stroke context menu color selection pop-downs. There is a gradient tool in the tools panel on the left side. Any gradient you have set, once you select the layer, (or object) the gradient is tied to, the gradient tool will give you all the controls you need to change size, angle, direction, midpoint, etc. etc. etc. Say you make a circle, and under the fill set a gradient. With the circle's layer selected, (move tool), select the gradient tool. With an elliptical gradient you should see two perpendicular lines. If I misunderstood your question, please forgive any errors.
  10. Good news and bad news. At least from my limited knowledge. I see the issue is actually because you are using the color replacement brush. The bad news is I don't know enough about the intricacies of the color replacement brush to have a complete solution for you. I am still messing with it. Hopefully, someone that knows a lot more about the color replacement brush and its usage will jump in. I did try a variety of methods all with varying results. But from what you described, it is clearly the use of the color replacement brush. How to resolve it, I'm not sure. My best results so far was to add a pixel layer, paint with the color replacement brush, and use a soft light blend mode. But the total outcome was really unsatisfactory. I'm sure it must be my limited knowledge of the workings of the color replacement brush. I made some progress when using the erase brush first, but that seemed what I assumed would be an unnecessary step. My previous attempts had all used the standard brush tool. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  11. The only thing I can report, is that I had no problems sampling a color, and painting over the sky area. I painted on the layer. I painted on a duplicate of the layer. I painted on a blank pixel layer. All worked. I am going to think that in your case, a screenshot of your UI might hold the answers. I'm just guessing, but I can't find anything wrong with the file you sent. When you encounter the same problem, I would suggest using Shift-Cmd-3 to take a full screenshot. Maybe the problem will be evident by seeing your panels, toolbar, and context menu. Sorry, I couldn't be of any help.
  12. I have had good results varying the border width selection. That in combination with the ramp tool usually gives me the results I can live with. One other thing that I find many people overlook is that the refine selection brush has options for painting matte, foreground, background, and feather. All good limiters for different refining situations. For me, I find it better to start by refining the background first, and then either matte or foreground.
  13. I am no expert. But, everything I have read indicates that taking a screenshot, the resolution is dependent upon the screen's resolution. There are some options you can adjust in Preview, Preferences. There is a selection area for defining what 100% means for a screenshot. This may help you. There are also various options on how to capture and store screenshots, with the keyboard shortcuts discussed here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361
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