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Fun Art Sam

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Posts posted by Fun Art Sam

  1. On 4/16/2021 at 10:17 AM, loukash said:

    It's a bit of a counterintuitive workaround, but:

    1. select the gradient swatch
    2. Node tool
    3. edit your gradient in the context toolbar
    4. add edited gradient as a new swatch
    5. in Designer (use File > Edit in Designer if you're in another app): Select > Select Same > Fill Color
    6. apply the new gradient to all selected objects

    That's definitely an omission.

    But I do remember having many other "annoying difficulties" that I don't have now. ;)
    And checking out the Gradient tool in InDesign CS5.5 as we speak, there are quite some odd quirks as well.

    That said, it should be definitely easier and more straightforward to edit gradient swatches in Affinity.

    Thank you so much! This is such a great solution. I hope Affinity implements global-gradient-color swatches in the future! 

  2. On 7/29/2024 at 5:04 PM, Alfred said:

    The trick is to enlarge the objects by a factor of ten or more, expand the strokes and then shrink the expanded objects back down to their original size.

    Alfred, thanks for your help!

    I'm going to try your trick because I think it's better than going back to Affinity V1. I didn't think about shrinking ALL of the glyphs after I'm done creating them, which will save time. Plus, Affinity V2 is so much faster and accurate when drawing with a mouse instead of the Bezier tool!

  3. Hello,

    I’ve been really enjoying Affinity V2. There are lots of great new features that make creating art so much fun. :)

    There seems to be a bug, in the Windows version, when expanding strokes. I used the Pencil Tool, then the Stroke Width Tool, and then expanded the strokes. After expanding the strokes, the rounded stroke ends become pointy and distorted. 

    The strokes look the same as the screenshot from the ‘Expand Stroke Bug’ post, found in the iPad version.

    I noticed that the iPad’s bug is resolved after the 2.5.4 update. Will the Windows 2.5.4 update be available soon?

    Thanks for your help!


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