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Paul Bravery

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Everything posted by Paul Bravery

  1. Hi jacksmus, CAD files are vector based (.dxf etc.). That's why the exported PDF can be edited in AD. Paul.
  2. I'm using Yosemite on my internal system drive, El Capitan Public Beta on an external drive. When my Epson is plugged in via USB & switched on, Affinity sees it on both OS versions. I also have PS Elements 10 which can't import directly from the Epson!
  3. Hi LilleG, I don't have a wireless printer/scanner. It's an Epson 5900 CX, attached by USB. Paul.
  4. Perhaps removing the Beta, if you have it, may help. Because I also have El Capitan Beta on an external drive, with the Affinity Betas installed, I also had continued file extension issues. As soon as I unmounted the El Capitan drive, the file extensions assigned perfectly!
  5. Nice shading & detail, thanks for sharing!
  6. Hi Wally, The Apple App Store allows you to install your apps on to up to 5 devices. All you need is to make sure you are using the same Apple ID on all devices. Paul.
  7. Personally, I prefer to type the values into each field & only use the sliders to tweak them if necessary… just my preference.
  8. Having tried various tracing apps or features in other drawing apps, including Adobe Illustrator, I have invariably returned to just using the pen tool to hand trace whatever I needed — the extra time was always worth it for the end result. Paul.
  9. Hi jackamus, I've also found that the adjustment layer needs to be dragged to the layer that you want to make black & white or any other effect, if you don't want the effect to be global: Paul. :)
  10. Hi imacken, Have you tried entering a value in the next field after tabbing? I have found that it does work, it's just the visual appearance of the field gives the impression it's not ready for your input. Paul.
  11. Beautifully rendered, thanks for sharing!
  12. Hi jutty0069, The Document Setup with Transparent background checked should fix this: Paul. :)
  13. Hi Boldee, Welcome to the Forum. It may be that a lot of rasterising needs to take place during export, this can take a long time. If you can post your Affinity Photo file to the forum, someone may be able to give a better explanation. The file can be deleted after, if need be. Paul. :)
  14. Thanks, coranda, bang on. Back in the day, when I first started on a Quadra 950 Mac, Photoshop only had 'separated mode'. This meant that for all the colour balancing/correcting work I did, my desktop wallpaper was purposely a 'bland', flat grey. In addition, there was no natural light or windows to the outside - the room's fluorescent lighting was 5000 degrees K, so that any hard copy that was being matched to was being viewed in the correct lighting conditions to comply with my calibrated monitor. :)
  15. Hi Larry3d & welcome to the Forum, What versions of Affinity Designer & Photo are you using? I don't appear to have the tab that appears in your screen shot, I have to use the File menu to choose Edit in Photo & it works fine: Paul. :)
  16. Hi peterpica, welcome to the forum. You can bring the layers palette back through the View menu >Studio. Paul.
  17. Hi all, This as a 1080p wallpaper, using images I downloaded from free wallpaper sites. I've attached my AP file, as well as exported to .png: I hope you like my attempt. Paul.
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