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To click on a tool icon where there are more tools - necessitating the flyout - you must click and hold even if the tool you want is already displayed.

If I want one of the other tools, I must hold until the flyout appears, select the too, I want. But (imho) I shouldn’t have to do that if the tool I want already has its icon as the one displayed for that toolset.

I’m a big key command fan, but there are times when I like to see and click icons, too.


edit: I’m having a different experience with the flyouts just now..it’s inconsistent..sometimes I have to hold down the flyout just to select the tool whose icon is already showing, sometimes not,


My experience:

Click the icon and the visible tool is used. 

Click the little triangle bottom right and the fly-out opens. 

Click the icon and hold also opens the fly-out. 

Affinity Photo - Affinity Designer - Affinity Publisher | macOS Sonoma (14.5) on 16GB MBP14 2021 with 2.5.X versions


Another possibility is too customise the toolbar (there are not many icons) using "View" "Customise Toolbar"

I'm also a big keyboard cmd fan :)

Windows 10 Pro (Desktop). Affinity Photo, Designer, Publisher 1.9.2

8 hours ago, VectorCat said:

edit: I’m having a different experience with the flyouts just now..it’s inconsistent..sometimes I have to hold down the flyout just to select the tool whose icon is already showing, sometimes not,

As @RNKLN mentioned, the behavior is consistent. It just differs depending on if you click on the tool icon itself or the triangle in the lower right corner -- clicking on the triangle immediately opens the fly-out; otherwise you have to click & hold on the icon & wait briefly for the fly-out to appear.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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