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    Art, writing, film, food, nature

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  1. To me, the explanation in the help file is as clear as mud. Compounding, on an iPad, the styles edit dialgue snorks up the entire screen. Can someone kindly explain how to set up hanging indents in Publisher? Many thanks!
  2. The problem here is my own - that of forgetting to group the adjustment layer with the single Item I wanted to adjust. After that, the levels adjustment applied to just that item. I don’t find this intuitive, but eventually, it’ll become second nature. Thank you
  3. Sorry if this is the wrong place, but the forum for the current iPad versions doesn’t seem available. Please advise. I need to adjust the levels on a graphic placed in publisher. I go into Photo persona, with my item selected, and choose levels. I see controls but my item gets de-selected. I can adjust levels on the whole entire page which isn’t what I need. If I re-select the item I want to adjust, the Levels controls vanish! Very Kafkaesque. Am I not allowed to have levels controls for adjusting the one item I want to adjust? If I can do this, can somebody explain how please? Screen movie shows the Kafkaesque experience. Thank you My project.mp4
  4. I can. Thank you for looking at it. Section Problem.afpub
  5. Screen capture shows first 2 pages of a document which both have Same Master applied to them. Page 1 shows correct section: "Section One." Page 2 shows "Section Name" not "Section One." Any clues on why? Thank you!
  6. The video tells the story. If I'm doing something wrong procedurally, I'm not seeing it. Thank you in advance. no_noise.mov
  7. My video workflow if 4k. Is there any advantage to working im QFHD at higher-than-72dpi, say 600, 1200 dpi, for use in print? Would the higher resolution matter for video? Thank you
  8. Any suggestions on how to age people in photos? I have a photo for a design which is nearly perfect, but the person in the photo looks a bit too young. It's also a side shot in bright sun, so...maybe not a lot of shadowing opportunity there. Thank you for any clues.
  9. 🙃 Photo persona. Switching back to Pub persona restored the razorness of the type. Thank you. But, why wouldn't type in Pub persona still be sharper than that in photo persona? 150% isn't that much of a zoom factor. Does Photo re-interpret type at screen rez? Thank you again..
  10. Does Publisher 2 for Mac have a limitation which Designer 2 does not have in terms of keeping type sharp no matter how much you zoom in? In Designer 2, live type is crisp no matter how far I zoom in, but in Publisher 2, live type gets jagged at 150% zoom! and to be clear, what I mean by "live type" is type which has not been rasterized or converted to curves, and is selectable and editable AS type. Thank you for any clues
  11. when I am working with text…modifying, formatting, scaling, etc., I want the keyboard out of my hair until I’m ready to type, but it keeps sliding up to help me anytime I do anything text-related. Is there a way to get the keyboard to give me the little widget to keep the full keyboard out of the way…the way it is in publisher 2? thank you
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