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A lot of bugs in 1.7.0

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Ive created another post regarding Document resize that a few people are also commenting they have the same issue with scaling not working. While I've been playing around trying to figure out that particular issue im also discovering other bugs in 1.7. The scaling bug has been prevalent for me since the. beta versions.

In 1.7 my tool palettes are doing weird graphical glitches, I have two 'snapping' icons in the top tool bar. One works, one doesn't. Alongside one of them is a 'baseline' icon which im pretty sure shouldn't even be in Photo?! Its from Publisher is it not?! Needless to say it doesn't do anything.

If I delete the offending tools resetting the studio just brings them back. The icons also look a little off centre within their little squares or is that just me?

Also in separated mode the toolbar is twice the length of my screen so goes way off screen to the right which I've had to manually resize.

Ive reinstalled the App (App Store version) and the problems remain.

Screenshot 2019-06-08 at 08.50.54.png

Screenshot 2019-06-08 at 08.55.07.png


The save menu appears from a weird position too.


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I say this with the upmost respect, but I am hoping Serif addresses these issues with a incremental update soon.  I've used APH for 3 years as an amateur hobbyist composite maker. Lots of layers is necessary, but 1.7.0 as installed on my system just bogged down to becoming unusable. I am hoping I'm not 'legacy-ed" at 1.6.7.  

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Rather than deleting the rogue icons, try dragging the whole default toolbar from the customize dialog over the existing toolbar. 

Then quit and restart the application to check that it sticks. 

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2 hours ago, cjc3636 said:

Awesome to hear!  Thanks! 

Sure... just to be clear, that was a response to another thread on a different issue, I don't know if they have this specific issue fixed, but it does speak to the timing of a release which they are indicating has a number of bugs fixed.

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