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Tracking false display

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See attached image. The letters A and N have a tracking of -300 (just to make it more clear). Then select the whole word and suddenly the tracking is 0. PLEASE: If there is a mixed formatting or there are mixed values (applies to other places as well e.g. insets) leave the field EMPTY or COLOURED, so that it is clear that there is something mixed.

Added: Same problem in ADesigner 1.65


Edited by Joachim_L
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Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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2 hours ago, Joachim_L said:

See attached image. The letters A and N have a tracking of -300 (just to make it more clear). Then select the whole word and suddenly the tracking is 0. PLEASE: If there is a mixed formatting or there are mixed values (applies to other places as well e.g. insets) leave the field EMPTY or COLOURED, so that it is clear that there is something mixed.Added: Same problem in ADesigner 1.65

It seems logical to me that the "-300" is not displayed if there are different ratios. But I agree with you that something could be displayed. For example, you could display the word "mixed" in the field. But I would like it better if the field would appear blind.

It is the same in the other programs, because they all have a common code base.

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Of course -300 should not be displayed since there are mixed values. Normally you do not select letter by letter, so you have merely no chance to see that mixed values are used. I noticed this only by chance because some words in my imported text looked "wrong".

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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