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Hello cwollandefa,
I do not think it's a bug, there are defective pixels you see.
With the Impainting-Tool or Clone-Tool paint over the affected areas and good is.


2017-03-16 artifact-2.afphoto

Affinity Photo 2.5:         Affinity Photo 1.10.6: 

Affinity Designer 2.5:    Affinity Designer 1.10.6:

Affinity Publisher 2.5:   Affinity Publisher 1.10.6:    

Windows 11 Pro  (Version 23H2 Build (22631.4112)


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I think Gnobelix is spot on here. 

It looks like you've either tried to tidy something up and it has left behind some pixels or there's maybe it is from the camera sensor? 

I'd be interested to see the original file if you have it? Or is that the original file with a Gaussian Blur and that's all you've done to it?


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Hi All, Many thanks for your insight and the solution on the cause, this image was a stitch of many images and I guess the artefact slipped in and I did not notice or should of looked a lot closer.

I would like to thank you for your help in this matter

Kind Regards
C Wolland

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