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Photo 170.112-Mac: Guides - Lock/Unlock/Drag

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Just tried out the Lock/Unlock guides feature added to latest Beta Build. 

Created Keyboard shortcut for "Lock"
The "Lock" shortcut also functions as the "Unlock" function, for I cannot create a separate "unlock" Shortcut.
Have I got that right ?

Furthermore : Still cannot drag guides onto canvas regardless of tool being used.
Still have to go back to the move tool to do that.

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Hey catlover,

Yes, it seems like the shortcut would just toggle the 'Lock Guides' setting. It either adds or removes the tick next to it in the View menu. Same as 'Show Rulers' I guess (cmd+R).

So the tools that are supposed to allow you to do this are vector tools, such as the Pen, Move, Fill and Node Tool. However, they don't seem to be working for me. I'm looking into this for you now. 


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