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Marching ants selection animation uses 26% of GPU even while minimized

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Hey Zoot,

We've known about performance hits with marching ants for the get-go. A common issue we see is users complaining they are getting poor performance on their files and this is often caused by a tiny/hidden pixel selection.

There isn't much I can suggest at the moment I'm afraid :(

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On 2/12/2019 at 9:46 AM, Chris B said:

Hey Zoot,

We've known about performance hits with marching ants for the get-go. A common issue we see is users complaining they are getting poor performance on their files and this is often caused by a tiny/hidden pixel selection.

There isn't much I can suggest at the moment I'm afraid :(

This isn't a performance problem, the issue is that the marching ants are animated, so we have to constantly render to the screen (normally we only render when a change occurs). We should look at pausing the rendering when the application is minimised, as that does seem excessive. Also, marching ants across multiple documents in the same tab group will no longer affect performance (since a few betas ago).

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